Archived Presentation HELP!!

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May 19, 2013
In my store my team gets cut around 20-40 per week. As many of you Presentation TMs/TLs know the hours are definitely missed. I will be replacing the TL. And I was wondering what are YOUR stores hours/routines look like as far as setting and maintaining best practice? Like what works and what doesn't. My team now is very strong yet we constantly are having to carry over workloads from week to week, does this happen in other stores? We set everything POGs, Revs, Sales Planners. We have to push transitions pallets and we have to pull and backstock(btw, does that even come out of the workload?). Also I heard that the Presentation TL is not suppose to set but suppose to supervise. Is this the case in other stores? If so do those hours come from sales floor or Presentation hours?

Also any advice or information will be greatly appreciated negative or positive!

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I'm new to the PTL role (in Canada), but this is what happens in my store:

Presentation hours fluctuate weekly. We find this information on the Transition Calendar. Some weeks we have 200hrs, others we have 15hrs depending on the estimated hours projected. My 40hrs as PTL is included in those hours although I do not set all day long. That is the intention, but I seem to troubleshoot for my team and the entire store, more than anything else. We set POG transitions & revisions. We also do all the SPLs (although this is soon changing to be the responsibility of each work centres TL/Team). This past week we had 37hrs projected for SPLs alone. The salesfloor TMs are beginning to help out with the SPLs, and in the next couple of weeks we will be able to pass on the responsibility of doing SPLs. Some weeks we carry over workloads from the previous week as the estimates they give us don't always add up.
That's presentation for you. Your speed will get better and you'll find that while some aisle take all day, others take no time at all. Revisions are the same way. TLs should be responsible to set salesplanners. That will take a big load off, especially the weeks with a lot.
Our store does everything your store does except for pulling batches. Our presentation TL sets when they have the chance because their hours are included in the Presentation workload hours. You will start to learn that some planos take less time than it says it will take on the adjacency calendar. This is where you will be able to get ahead or have more people set heavier aisles (ie. baby food aisle, air care). For example the last Intimates transition said that it should take 75 hours but we got it done in half that time. When a new transition comes check to see if any of the aisles switch. This will help keep aisles from being empty and not have to stage tubs of product for the next day. Pets is coming up soon and 6 aisles at my store switch around.

For saleplanners our store wants them done the week before because a lot the time the product will be on ad for the next week. Just make sure to check online planogram to make sure there is a high percentage of merchandise to fill the endcap.

Do you have one person do revisions or does everyone do them? Our store has one person do them. They plan out everything, tie, drop batches, set, stock, and backstock.

If you get behind see if your signing team member can help out. If I am done early for the week I help out at the end of the week with setting. If I am done early in the day I’ll help stock and backstock.
Thank You for all your replies. They are much appreciated! I know I will be successful but I have heard so many negative things about plano. I've heard things about how TLs demote themselves because they cannot handle the stress. And so on...

I have a 7 person team, one does all the revisions. He is awesome! He can get them all done under hours on most weeks.

What advice could you guys give me on how to increase productivity?
How do you guys handle your fixture rooms? Mine is always torn up because we are a high volume store and have many people going in and out...
Also could you guys elaborate on your signing TMs. Do you expect them to help with the workload?
One last thing.. lol Do Yout(TLs) also do signing every other weekend? setup+takedown?
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