Price Match Policy

May 6, 2020
We use the Zebra to scan bar codes to price match.

However it doesn't seem to work well with Walmart.

I saw my Closing TL price a match an item to Walmart which probably fulfilled by one of their partners.

The thing is this guest just bought that item the same day at a different Target then came to our store to price match.

Can this actually be done?

Also in the meantime this guy's partner pulled the same thing back in electronics.

That TM was then told by the Closing TL not to do it AFTER IT THE PURCHASE WAS ALREADY BEEN RANG.

Apparently the Closing TL thought it made sense to walk all the way back to Electronics instead of using his walkie.
Other than or the following week;s sales flyer, we have been told that on a previous sale from another target in which the guest wants to price match to another business, even if it shows on the price match app, that we are to tell them that they have to go back to the store they made the purchase to do the price match. We had several trying to price match some Apple product to Costco last week that was about $110 less than what they bought it. It was something like $489 vs $599.
Other than or the following week;s sales flyer, we have been told that on a previous sale from another target in which the guest wants to price match to another business, even if it shows on the price match app, that we are to tell them that they have to go back to the store they made the purchase to do the price match. We had several trying to price match some Apple product to Costco last week that was about $110 less than what they bought it. It was something like $489 vs $599.
we don't even price match to costco at our store, because you have to have a membership. i never trust the apple product price matchers when it's that big of a difference, either.
At my stores, few TMs use the Price Match app on our Zebras. Our S&E ETL and TLs just tell us to "honor" what the guest says, although I don't know if they literally mean that. Talk is cheap, those instructions are not in writing, and I've seen outright abuse of Price Match by guests who display fake web sites pretending to be Lowes or Best Buy. For a while, we had groups of so-called "guests" going through our lines with carts filled up with Tide detergent (i.e. cleaning out our entire inventory), our product price $22.99, but they fooled some TMs into a "price match" with a fake Lowe's site showing their regular (non-clearance) price for the same item was $4.19. A couple times when I saw these fools with 12 units of Tide approaching a new TM who is in high school or college, watch the guest and when they tried to pull the "price match" scam discreetly instruct the TM that we can't Price Match the offer because we've learned internally that the item isn't actually in stock for the price showed on their smartphone. Anyway, it's a real PIA.

I hate Price Match. It's supposed to be a way to increase guest loyalty and swipe business away from our competitors, but it's being abused by some guests and it takes up time at the registers where we are increasingly understaffed. Not to mention constantly having to remind guests about Target Circle, and point to where they type their number or "skip" because of the poor design of the Circle screen on our POS system setup.
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But Target doesn't honor member-only deals. If you have to sign in to see the price, we don't honor it. At least I was told that at one point years ago, maybe they changed it because I don't see that limitation on the policy
It's still in the Exclusions. But if we can see the price without logging in, we can match it. We won't force the Guest to prove they're a member after verifying it ourselves if able to do so without logging in.

Scammers and resellers are going to look at any chance to make a buck.

For example Prime Drink is super popular in our area.

It is a vendor item so we don't stock the floor.

I had a guy who asked me to pull some from the back since it wasn't much so I did it for me.

He then told me that he was going to resell it all.

That was dumb because now I will not get it out of the back for you for now on!

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