Service & Engagement No Receipt Return Price Chop... Do You Adjust?

Where did that information come from?
There was no communication at all at my store, and because so much else was changing, everyone just assumed it was the new policy, especially since we were hitting that time of the year that everyone buys nasty ass stuff at garage sales and tries to return it for full price.
Yes, it was on Workbench. Not at work right now so can't find it.
I'm digging on r/Target for the verbiage.
My store is offering what POS says, unless the guest complains to the point a leader comes over, who will sometimes adjust.
To be "frictionless," what I've been doing is taking off about 15%, so I adjust up, unless the offered value is greater, in which case I leave it alone. I do preface all my no-receipt returns with what I call my "two point disclaimer," (1) there's a limit in 12 months and (2) items don't always get their full value, which I'm not able to adjust.
tf are they gonna do, fly from India to my store? lmao
this. ^^ TGS literally has 0 power.

They can make recommendations, but ultimately, even they will (sometimes) acknowledge that it's the stores descretion.

Vice versa for stuff-- we can ask them to fix things that we can't, but it's their final say (though I've noticed they're complete pushovers and will do pretty much anything we ask them in the name of making it right), though shoutout to the one lady who sided with me and explained to the guest the cartwheel was not valid on their ship to home order
I'm sure by now everyone noticed it was fixed. Pricing is back to normal, as posted on Workbench a few weeks back.
Back in the real days before this Make It Right for the Guest crap. If a No Receipt Return was coming up a Sale Price, that was override. The guest could take it or leave.
Not every store is a yes desk. This is still how my store goes. No receipt or card, sorry. This is what you get.

my store is the same - if anything, when someone asks for a manager my TL is more stern about it than I ever am. I sometimes will adjust without thinking too hard about it if it's a dollar or two difference (and they're nice to me) but if you insist on me calling my manager over that's your nail in the coffin she does not budge for anyone.
My SD & ETL would give the building away if a guest made a big enough fuss. The overrides on no receipt returns are becoming legendary. I have pretty much given up trying to follow return policies.

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