Product design fails

What products have you noticed that are complete fails of Design, either by lack of function or unintended messaging or extreme breakability?

I'll start. I have not seen a single one of these deer that is not broken
The Bullseye ornament for this year is prone to having its tail broken. 😕 saw one on the floor and the one I ordered, both broken tails. The one I ordered was wrapped well too, so it wasn't for lack of care in packing.
Does this count: temporary sidecap displays that come filled with product which gets damaged while being handled. The Athena one with Barbie-themed razors comes to mind. When I opened the box, maybe a quarter of the boxes required some patching up with those little plastic hang tag thingies so I could put them on the pegs.
Same for shipper trays and even whole end cap displays. The Native one for Autumn scents was awful for the deodorant part - they kept falling backward so I just shoved them all back. Wasn't a big deal because only 5 would fit anyway. And the Native one for Christmas scents has a too-small compartment for one of the body lotions - they don't have room to stand up. (Never mind that I had to remove all of the product so I could get the display in place.) Same for Flamingo - seems like the tray is tilted toward the back so product keeps falling over unless it's pushed to the back. Looks stupid.
And I love chocolate mint candy, but ew. I pick up after my dog way too often to not see the resemblance.

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