Archived Punching in 5 minutes early

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I've been in the habit of punching in early so I have a chance to get settled and check in with the GSTL before I start my shift. But now that I'm going up to 40 hours, I'm gonna have to stop doing that...
I'm amazed at all of you who can clock out 10 minutes late. If you are 2 minutes late, the LOD is on their walkie making sure you are on a straight and narrow path to the time clock.

Trust me when I say I'd be out on time, every time, if I could. I'm always in middle of helping a guest because they stop me on my way up to punch out. That or waiting for the closing Electronics TM to get there so I can give them a rundown on the day's events & let them know where things are (& to give them my keys).
If we can have four people (what, four people? I'm serious) scheduled for electronics at one time for 3 hours, I'm sure we can afford to have someone clock out 10 minutes after.
They've gotten pretty strict at my store. If you work more than 5 minutes past your scheduled shift then you need to tell the LOD so they canchange the time in the system.

In the past we've been really bad about staying within the labor hours given to us...we've gotten burned a few times and lost now they're keeping track of us and I believe our labor hours are doing better.....still short staffed, but at least our hours are more consistent.
In pharmacy, we've never gotten in trouble for punching out late...mostly because we can't close the registers until the gate goes down, which is *closing time* on the dot. We also have to do our own garbage and stuff, which we also can't usually do until after we close. And, then there are the times when the phone rings at -1 minute to closing and we're stuck on the phone for 5-10 minutes with the guest or someone comes in with a script at -2 minutes. We just :give_heart2: those guests....

We typically punch in early as well so we're ready to go when the gate opens as 1-2 guests are almost always standing there like vultures waiting for us to open...
You have a 15 minute window to punch out, before the Lod or told calls you, your etl-pharmacy can change your time to avoid this. They're with you till the end of the phone call.
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