Answered Purging backroom location with Zebra

You scan the backroom location in audit and hit done itll unlocate any items in the location not quite as fast as the pda 😑
Thanks I knew this way of doing it but its not nearly as fast and I wasn't sure what that does for backroom location accuracy
My name is neon on Greenfield. Most days I complete a 100 item hardlines suspect audit batch and a nearly as large backroom batch, Then I walk all my aisles
( 6 depts/over 40 aisles) and audit ‘outs’ (the old Instocks true-zero’s), this week I have been following direction for a trash-free/ladder-less BR which required auditing every location in the aisles I have worked to rearrange backstock to mirror aisles on the salesfloor. I‘ve wished for an easier to click scanner button cause my fingers hurt I’ve audited so much recently.

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