How fast do you think the wave moves? The pulls keep up with the wave push at our store. Everything is unloaded first, while the backroom pulls consumables, pets, HBA and cosmetics. By the time unload is ton the wave has moved into those areas where the push is ready and so on.
The problem with push all is that items that should be backstocked are needlessly being sent to the floor, and transition is NEVER set aside. There is a reason we abandoned push all in the first place years ago. Ever since my store switched to it we have had nothing but problems. The truck process as a whole is slower, the backstock never gets done and the push is a lot sloppier than before.
Why is transition not getting set to the side? On a push all, you now have an ENTIRE backside of the line that could be utilized for transition and large quantity products.
Of course your backstock does not get done! Your backroom team is pulling when they should be backstocking! The autofills should get pulled sooner, and the pulls should be completely bowled out with the rest of the product. Your BRTM's should have nothing to do at this point, because once the unload is done, there is no backstock at all to do (no truck backstock, and the push process is just starting). They can then help the unload team for the first part of the wave. As soon as backstock starts making its way back they go the backroom and backstock as the wave makes their way through the store. Once the floor is completed, you can then schedule some flow team members afterwards (if needed) to complete backstock.
Again the store I am talking about commonly does 2700 piece trailers with 14 total flow team members and they use 4 BR (plus the TL). The wave is gone in 4 hours, and the BR is gone in 6.