Archived Question about breaks

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I often work 4-11 and only get one fifteen and one meal. It's kind of frustrating seeing my last fifteen crossed out on the break schedule. I asked once or twice and I've always been told its because the meal means I'm only working six and a half hours. I stumbled upon the handbook today while cleaning and it's says "if a team member's scheduled workday is at least seven..." then you get two paid fifteen minute breaks.

Does anyone know if they give a definition of 'scheduled workday'? It doesn't say anywhere (at least that I saw) if meals do or do not count. If I'm on the schedule from 4-11pm it seems to me like that is my scheduled workday is seven hours, but I know my store doesn't see it that way so I'm just wondering if there is something else that would make it clear if the meal does or does not count.
@StrawberryBanana The guidelines posted in my store do specify that your lunch counts toward scheduled time.


Where are those guidelines posted in your store? I remember looking for the policies/guidelines near the time clock when I was first scheduled for a seven hour shift, but I didn't find anything. There was just something posted showing how to use the time clock and a bunch of other stuff not related to breaks/scheduling. But I'll look again when I work tomorrow. Do you happen to know what the title of the posting is? Does it say something like "Target's break and meal guidelines" at the top?
@StrawberryBanana it's said "california target meal and break guidelines" I think. Try searchING workbench for break and meal guidelines.

They updated that. It went from a landscape paper to a portrait paper with so much information on it, including how to calculate lunch breaks and your 5th hour, meal/break entitlements, minor's work regulations, etc. Its wonderful.
They updated that. It went from a landscape paper to a portrait paper with so much information on it, including how to calculate lunch breaks and your 5th hour, meal/break entitlements, minor's work regulations, etc. Its wonderful.

@StrawberryBanana, there should be a sheet with all this info posted near your timeclock.
I was able to find the break and meal guidelines. They weren't near the time clock at my store, but they were posted. However, it did not state if the lunch counts towards a person's 'scheduled workday' and I think without being able to specifically show that it does some leaders are going to keep telling us that we are only working six and a half and thus only get two. It still feels weird having them cross out a break on the printed schedule. Also two other people were scheduled from 4-11 yesterday and got three breaks so either way someone is doing the break schedule wrong. But thanks for all your help.
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