Archived Question for Move Pilot Stores

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Using a PDA:
1. myFA
2. Pack and ship
3. Scroll down, create shipping hold locations
4. New label
5. Parent/child
6. 1 child location

That will print a label for one vehicle. You'll have to repeat from step 4 for each vehicle, and reprint each label if you want more than one per vehicle. It's very tedious...

You throw away the child location labels because they are not used. I'd recommend using backroom location labels instead of FF labels because they are narrow enough to fit on edges of tubs and carts without easily peeling off.
While I agree with you in principle, what take precedence the EOF of the PdaS themselves. (EOF = end of life)

The actual pdas are no longer being supported by Motorola (a subsidiary of Alphabet ie google) as of 2018. And the windows they have running them hasnt been supported in 5 yrs.

The pdas are dying. Thats why move appeared. The metrics are a bonus to them.

I'm aware PDAs are at the end of their lives. I'm amazed RF apps lasted as long as it has. The move app could still have been done without having to scan pulled items into a cart. It's great for FF and SFS, absolutely worthless for Pull.
The actual pdas are no longer being supported by Motorola (a subsidiary of Alphabet ie google) as of 2018
The unit of Motorola that made these was bought by Zebra a few years back and they still make them. They can even upgrade the OS to a few different Windows versions or Android.
Ok,,so I've been off site for sometime, was at the point I didn't have time or energy to check out TBR. Conversing with a TL (who I turned onto TBR) they mentioned some info they had come across concerning Pilot Programs........hmmmm brings to mind good ol' E2E in market. A process, that if followed, with the "Correct" amount of "Time" and "People",,,could have worked. But noooooo, let's use the hours from consumables for flow. We don't have time to follow the process, just hurry up, speed is life, work with a sense of urgency, get the shit off the boat. No time to fifo, zone, research,,etc and don't you dare, challenge the status quo by taking smart risks and failing fast.
In my former profession I was an Information Specialist, supporting a multi-state database comprised of millions of listings. (think dpci etc)
Training Methods and Procedures.
Are critical to your success...when I raise CONCERNS they are taken as complaints.
Ok,,I understand, you "ETL" don't fully understand the system, or how the processes impact each other. After all ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge, which leads me to different answers, from 5 different ETLs,,,,like chickens with their heads cut-off, the sky is falling, the sky is falling..
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