Archived Questions arose about my bumper sticker.

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Hypothetical: What if the bumper sticker said, "I'm on corrective action"? (Without the question mark) Discuss.

They could do nothing with either sticker. 1. It makes no reference to Target, 2. It violates his freedom of speech, and 3. If they did anything to Talan, he would have them by the balls for discrimination unless they make every one that came through the parking lot remove their bumperstickers
I came up with another one today after I heard a friend was put on final notice...

"I'm on final notice, go ahead and try to cut me off."

/If enough people are interested, I could go down to Staples or Office Depot and I could just make a lot of them and mail them to people.
I really really wish I had the balls to do it...I love the idea of the "final" bumper sticker...especially since I am on one. I just don't know if I have the
Dude, what is the worst that they can do to you? Fire you?

You might as well enjoy the ride.
i have a sticker of Calvin pissing on Obama, guest saw me leave my car and was offended and complained. Spot told me to remove it. i lol'd. people know i work for spot though because I keep the stuffed target dogs on my dashboard that i won lol
A lot of states do have laws that protect freedom of speech no matter what kind of contract you sign, Canada does it as well.

I am immediately suspicious of anybody who disqualifies an entire argument because of how somebody worded it and manages to insult the other person as well. It takes away from their argument.
Funny in a long shot but in a way, the TL's at Target will look at it as a joke as if you dont seem to really care about hard passion and work. I can understand that you have a right to express how you feel about your review, but it wont change a fact about how the TL's will react. They'll just look at you as a in-compassionate worker who just wants to create a fuss.

But if you really hate your job, or if its true you really dont deserve an IE, well thats Target. I got 2 IE's b4 this year getting an E. Tough economic times eh
When he mentioned freedom of speech I am guessing he was talking about the first amendment and not some state law or law in Canada. I would enjoy watching someone go to the supreme court over a claim their first amendment right was violated because they got in trouble at work over a stupid bumper sticker they made to try and cause drama.

I am immediately suspicious of anyone who causes so much trouble at work but thinks they deserve a better review or a promotion.

I have to ask why don't you grow up and stop trying to 'stick it to the man'?
"THE MAN" deserves it. I have to ask, why do you care that people want to stick it to him? Are you friends with "THE MAN"? Do you love "THE MAN"? I am immediately suspicious of anyone with a relationship with "THE MAN".
I have given up on trying on to get a promotion. It is simply a matter of how much time is spent with TL's and leadership opportunities, the only people who can do that in a ULV store is the GSA's and they have gotten the last four promotions at my store. Which is kind of like telling the rest of Target to screw off.

This was a response to less of a bad review and more of the fact that our input is no longer valid. We don't have team member meetings anymore and so there is so much stress out there without any safety valve that team members have gone off on guests and this was just my way of relieving said stress. It's ridiculous that it has devolved into this but that's the price that this company has to pay since it is no longer interested in developing a positive working environment (hint: talking about forming an environment and actually doing it are two different things).

I am one of Target's biggest fans, I convinced a local charity to shop there and it has added $1500 a month to our sales and I own 100 shares of the company which is quite a bit for somebody like me. As a stockholder, I am greatly concerned about the share prices plunging and then rising so suddenly.
"THE MAN" deserves it. I have to ask, why do you care that people want to stick it to him? Are you friends with "THE MAN"? Do you love "THE MAN"? I am immediately suspicious of anyone with a relationship with "THE MAN".

Because I work with the same type people. They constantly complain about everything and challenge every single thing they can and then they wonder why they can't get promoted or why they don't get better work centers or extra shifts, etc. Look at yourself and what you do before you assume it's everyone else.

Talan I agree with you and stated so in the mother of all rants thread, it has become too political and your work no longer matters near as much as how well you can speak during a visit and whos ass you kiss at other times.
So in other words he only has 2 people who are completely clueless about running a store instead of the normal 10 everyone else has to deal with? Also if you pay attention I am giving him a hard time about a bumper sticker (which is only these to cause a ruckus) and not about actual work or performance or any of his complaints.
Evan I don't see how disagreeing with his bumper sticker is being an ass, sorry I don't think it's cool to try and rebel over every single damn thing. Grow up child.
See being an ass yet AGAIN... calm the eff down dude... no one stuck a beehive up your ass and asked you to go all "I agree with the retarded ass target management and blah blah blah".... man get a grip... people complain, people rebel... he has the damn RIGHT to have that bumper sticker... no where in any law of any state can they fire him for a BUMPER STICKER ON HIS CAR..... you need to get over it and so do they!!!!
You're right, there is no law stating they can fire him over a bumper sticker that I am aware of, but there are right some states that you can be fired from for no reason at all. Target doesn't do it that way but if you want to start bringing up laws and such then do your research. You are much more abrasive and an ass in your posts than others have been. You need to wake up and realize that you do not get anywhere in life constantly fighting those above you. Now to take a page out of your book...f off scrub, im runnin dis $hit and the law backs me up!11!!@ yeah!!1one
wow.... you're a tard stupid... seriously... just... wow... I'm done with you're idiotic posts....

/enter lurk mode....

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