Quitting because of closing shifts

I do not know the dynamic of your store. Nor do I know how good of an employee you are.

However the needs of the business is the needs of the business. Obviously you feel an important role for the store.

However not knowing your work ethic or you its hard to say which route this will go. If you do not stand up for yourself they will continue to schedule during your not desired shifts. However you push back they might just let you go... It's hard to say.

However you will get no where by saying nothing..

Best thing would be to start looking for employment that meets your desired work life balance. I love Target I always felt in this world of retail the grass wouldnt be greener on the other side so I took the good with the bad until I found something that wasnt retail.

That being said you can probably very easily find something that pays just as good if not better with a better schedule as most companies need bodies right now.

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