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I was in softlines but now in beauty but still feel like a total newbie since I was always just dealing with clothes. Anyone in beauty have any good tips for meeting sales goals in cosmetics? Hba? I'm still new to it so I'm having a hard time being able to deep zone, pull, backstock, research, call buttons and all that while still Consistently trying to help guests & make sure they put SOMETHING hba/cosmetics related in their basket lol. Help! Any advice is helpful! Thank you!

Your TL or ETL may not know but according to the beauty expectations; your backroom TM are supposed to do your pulls. Back stocking should be done by them as well.

Breake your research down into this day I reasearch this aisle and this day I research that.

As for helping guests-

Know where things are. That helps alot. Take the beauty test as well if your clueless on cosmetics. Start your conversation with "Can I help you find something? " Basically build a basket. I pushed a thing of red baskets near by to help me. Know whats on sale and on cartwheel. Always remind the guest that they can additional save 5% with their red card.

Most importantly let them try on the product! They will be happy you let them do so. Plus remind them that if they hate it they can return it.
Interesting post, OP.

There is new selling/service training for Beauty and A&A. You should get some good ideas from that. Also, Can I Help You Find Something? is dead. Start conversations with guests on a more personal note.
Hmm, im guessing maybe the store still is trying out different methods. *sigh.
This was very helpful thank you so much!
In regards to building a basket, do you recommend other products by the conversation you have with guests? Going off by the product they went in for & recommending other products that suit it well or do guests get annoyed by that? Isn't being pushy?

Go with what the guest is shopping for. Its easy to ask did you need anymore makeup wipes or remover while your here?
There is new selling/service training for Beauty and A&A. You should get some good ideas from that. Also, Can I Help You Find Something? is dead. Start conversations with guests on a more personal note.

I think CIHYFS is helpful for a new TM until they explore their own personal touch to greeting a guest. I personally greet the guest and start with basic questions like did you know what you were shopping for? Did you find the make up you needed? My store is up in sales so not much to do other just be there and everything Ive said before
Very good thread on Cosmetics/Beauty here.

I think the most important thing is to really get to know the product. The ideal team member in this role is that woman (or guy i guess) that loves playing with makeup, trying new beauty products, and is able to really dig into the guest's needs and sell them what they need. Some addons that you may be able to get into their basket are makeup removing wipes, cotton, or "that foundation brush that you use every day".
I think CIHYFS is helpful for a new TM until they explore their own personal touch to greeting a guest. I personally greet the guest and start with basic questions like did you know what you were shopping for? Did you find the make up you needed? My store is up in sales so not much to do other just be there and everything Ive said before
I will usually open with a "How's it goin'?" or something similar after I make that "Help me!" eye contact with a guest. CIHYFS just sounds so robotic to me nowadays.
Oh wow. I've been working quite a few beauty shifts lately and other than deep zoning, scanning for outs and research, there has been nothing mentioned about basket totals and building baskets or allowing them to try on makeup. Because then if they do, don't you have to defect the product if they don't like it? It's not like there are samples like at Sephora or Ulta.

That's what the beauty concierge does, though....when she's there.
In beauty your number one priority should be the guest. Stores are required to have open to close coverage in beauty now so you shouldn't be completely task oriented. If you are you're doing it wrong.

Filling the floor is important but in our district the hr is supposed to send in a green yellow red of your guest service in beauty to the dtl.
I originally got the position because I showed great interest in it and they did see how I always had my makeup done and I am familiar & try a lot of the products sold at target but I guess I'm just trying to learn how to juggle being available to guests and not so wrapped up in trying to complete the daily tasks and zoning. I ask about selling techniques/tips just because idk whether they look at how Sales looked during each one of the beauty tms shifts and I would hate to be booted off the beauty team because I couldn't match up in sales as like the other beauty girls.
Can't really look into sales that in-depth as far as I know. If you're interested in sales, as your TL as they should know the comp for cosmetics as it's one of the biggest sales areas in most stores.
Oh wow. I've been working quite a few beauty shifts lately and other than deep zoning, scanning for outs and research, there has been nothing mentioned about basket totals and building baskets or allowing them to try on makeup. Because then if they do, don't you have to defect the product if they don't like it? It's not like there are samples like at Sephora or Ulta.

That's what the beauty concierge does, though....when she's there.

My STL had our Beauty TM requisition a ton of makeup to use as testers and they just took a label maker and put "tester" on them. They also took the rolling cart they used to use for the free sample people and now it's like a little beauty counter with some more testers, a mirror, q-tips, etc. and the Beauty TM stands there asking guests if they want to try products. The counter looks kinda sloppy & trashy though, I'm not a big fan of it lol maybe if it was kept neat.
It used to be all about keeping the floor full, but now it's way more Guest Service oriented which isn't a bad thing. I've been seeing more stuff on Twitter about Brand TM setting up a table with various products to introduce to guest. Kind of like how mall retailers do product exposures. Partner with your TL or ETL-Sale Floor to get ideas or approval.
My STL had our Beauty TM requisition a ton of makeup to use as testers and they just took a label maker and put "tester" on them. They also took the rolling cart they used to use for the free sample people and now it's like a little beauty counter with some more testers, a mirror, q-tips, etc. and the Beauty TM stands there asking guests if they want to try products. The counter looks kinda sloppy & trashy though, I'm not a big fan of it lol maybe if it was kept neat.

Yeah we did this with defected out merchandise.

Pretty wasteful of your stl to requisition it. Makeup is expensive, that will eat up your 549 budget in a hurry.
You can requisition under other depts. Probably did it under store supplies.
Semi off topic, anyone know if it's possible to manually create small labels?
You can requisition under other depts. Probably did it under store supplies.

You can but it's always been my understanding the other departments have a really low budget. That's why we are encouraged to use SAP.

We did a table for new day/goodfellow launch with candy, drinks and table cloth. All under 549
I did ours under store supplies, iirc. 549 is for the team. These launch parties are going to keep coming, and it isn't fair to take from the team to pay for them.
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