Random rant

We had one clown who made a bale using only 2 wires! Half assed bale, only about 2/3 depth of what it should be. He flipped the switch, the ram retracted, used only ONE chain, the whole thing jammed, wires broke, chain got wedged and tangled. He then simply walked away. Too stupid to realize he was on camera. The Captain and my buddy the SFT untangled all this shit and I re-did a very beautiful bale. My receiver gave me a 10! She rated our bales from #1 through #10! Kind of an inside joke/fun. All of our past receivers were great!
Using the stacker to out away and get pallets gone is a little more challenging. The uboats stick out to far and pack side by side that you have to move some out of the way.
If you aren't comfortable making a bale, I hope you don't drive. There's nothing difficult or particularly dangerous about it.

These things are part of retail work. It's the equivalent of saying you don't like technology so can't use a zebra. Either figure it out or find alternate employment.

That said, I suck at the crown and am terrified of the wave. I still try because I won't get any better without practice.
I'm not making bales or using the wave, end of story. There should be people designated to do this. Every TM in the store should not have to make bales, that ridiculous. Sounds like a TL job to me, since we no longer have backroom TMs.
Are there really that many non-disabled non-idiot TMs afraid to use the wave? When I was a TM I would literally look for excuses to use it. You haven’t lived until you’ve had to synchronize both waves with someone else to put a 70” TV on the wall, balancing it between the platforms on the way up, or having 5 people help push it out from between the dock and the trailer when a dumbass parks it and gets it stuck 😂
I'm not making bales or using the wave, end of story. There should be people designated to do this. Every TM in the store should not have to make bales, that ridiculous. Sounds like a TL job to me, since we no longer have backroom TMs.
Inexperienced, undertrained, and or unconfident people operating waves, crowns or balers is an accident and a lawsuit or two waiting to happen. I was lucky enough to work with a group of tms who were diverse in age, abilities and experience. And we were lucky enough to have an etl who was smart enough to use everyone to best advantage.
Are there really that many non-disabled non-idiot TMs afraid to use the wave? When I was a TM I would literally look for excuses to use it. You haven’t lived until you’ve had to synchronize both waves with someone else to put a 70” TV on the wall, balancing it between the platforms on the way up, or having 5 people help push it out from between the dock and the trailer when a dumbass parks it and gets it stuck 😂

I mean I'm terrified of heights and will go to certain lengths to avoid it, but if my boss said use it I would. I just don't have to.
Bales are easy. A TL taught me how to make one in 5 minutes and I used to volunteer to make them all the time after that. Alas, making them is not part of my workcenter's duties anymore. The wave isn't scary either. I prefer ladders because they are typically faster and easier to find available though.
I was at Target for nearly three years and was never taught how to make a bale. Obviously I didn't seek it out, but there were lots of times that people were making bales and never grabbed me for instruction, even when I was bringing in additional cardboard boxes.
I'm a short old broad & I can bale with the best of them.
I learned to make bales with another company & I've since made bales at our store.
The one time our ETL-ass complained about my 'lack of certification' I did the training module, printed out the results & stapled it to his chair.
No problems since.
Exactly i mean iv seen girls do bales but not everyone is comfortable making it....I’m surprised the store director is fine with having all these kids do bales yet they keep talking about make the store safe. My back room isn’t even safe the bale is probably the worst. The wave seems like less scary for me since you just go up to get the item but for the crown to go to the highest spots to pull pallets and stuff ugh this is is just gonna take some time to used to.

You have to be 18 to be able to operate any of the equipment. No kids allowed.
I'm a TL that trains everyone on equipment. I've trained every type, build, age and mentality. They all learned and they all used the equipment well.

The limitation is the learner, who believes that the equipment is a hindrance to their job. They think it's dangerous or difficult to use. It's neither, if you're trained properly.

And if you don't think you're learning everything from your trainer, sign into your Zebra. Go to the Learning@ app and find the power equipment module. It's very thorough.

Everyone is equal now, no more backroom to do your job. Get with the program or get to steppin'.
Until someone is injured, and it WILL happen they are going to expect everyone to use the power equipment including the baler. Some balers are simple to use others are a little trickier.My favorite is one that you could have running constantly with no gate. To make the bale you climbed on top to insert the wires and then it "pooped" the bale out. Easy peesy. The evil one had a gate, and it was wedged in next to the compactor at a very strange angle. I bet some people couldn't fit behind it to insert the wire. I have found the biggest problem is the location of the damn machine. Also I will admit I had a very hard time tying the wires tight enough. I made the bale and got the wires in but I had to have someone else tie them for me. Then I could pop the thing easy enough by myself.
There are people who have no business using the wave, or the crown. NO BUSINESS AT ALL. There are a multitude of reasons, depth perception is a big one and so is fear. If someone has had the half ass training that spot is famous for, they may still be fearful.Trying to use either of these pieces of equipment when afraid is disaster waiting to happen.The driving a car is a false analogy. To drive a car you take drivers education and then must pass a written and on the road test. It is also totally voluntary. If spot is demanding people use power equipment that needs to be in their core roles and be upfront about it in the interview. I had a Hardlines ETL who was afraid to use the crown after 4 years! On her last night in the store she said she was going to use it to get a grill down. It took her 45 minutes but she got it down.
I'm a TL that trains everyone on equipment. I've trained every type, build, age and mentality. They all learned and they all used the equipment well.

The limitation is the learner, who believes that the equipment is a hindrance to their job. They think it's dangerous or difficult to use. It's neither, if you're trained properly.

And if you don't think you're learning everything from your trainer, sign into your Zebra. Go to the Learning@ app and find the power equipment module. It's very thorough.

Everyone is equal now, no more backroom to do your job. Get with the program or get to steppin'.
That’s so wrong
Until someone is injured, and it WILL happen they are going to expect everyone to use the power equipment including the baler. Some balers are simple to use others are a little trickier.My favorite is one that you could have running constantly with no gate. To make the bale you climbed on top to insert the wires and then it "pooped" the bale out. Easy peesy. The evil one had a gate, and it was wedged in next to the compactor at a very strange angle. I bet some people couldn't fit behind it to insert the wire. I have found the biggest problem is the location of the damn machine. Also I will admit I had a very hard time tying the wires tight enough. I made the bale and got the wires in but I had to have someone else tie them for me. Then I could pop the thing easy enough by myself.
There are people who have no business using the wave, or the crown. NO BUSINESS AT ALL. There are a multitude of reasons, depth perception is a big one and so is fear. If someone has had the half ass training that spot is famous for, they may still be fearful.Trying to use either of these pieces of equipment when afraid is disaster waiting to happen.The driving a car is a false analogy. To drive a car you take drivers education and then must pass a written and on the road test. It is also totally voluntary. If spot is demanding people use power equipment that needs to be in their core roles and be upfront about it in the interview. I had a Hardlines ETL who was afraid to use the crown after 4 years! On her last night in the store she said she was going to use it to get a grill down. It took her 45 minutes but she got it down.
Be kind , TLDR.
Are there really that many non-disabled non-idiot TMs afraid to use the wave? When I was a TM I would literally look for excuses to use it. You haven’t lived until you’ve had to synchronize both waves with someone else to put a 70” TV on the wall, balancing it between the platforms on the way up, or having 5 people help push it out from between the dock and the trailer when a dumbass parks it and gets it stuck 😂
Synchronizing between two waves is downright fun. Like you, I could not wait to jump on the Wave to do what I needed to do. Saved my back, albeit it was already a bit beaten, plenty of worry.

Loved showing the new guys what the Wave could do if one lets loose of the fear of heights. That and the very tall movable ladders and various versions of the three point stance. Even though it added years to my back, I do miss the Backroom!

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