Archived <rant> I'm so upset - even though I shouldn't be.

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I completely get why you're mad. If I asked not to be placed in SL, and was told I wouldn't, I would be pissed too. I have always told my ETL SL that I would help if she ever needed it. She nonchalantly to me the other day that she has been trying to steal me from HL. Like wtf thanks for asking me first. I don't wanna do SL permanently either.
I completely get why you're mad. If I asked not to be placed in SL, and was told I wouldn't, I would be pissed too. I have always told my ETL SL that I would help if she ever needed it. She nonchalantly to me the other day that she has been trying to steal me from HL. Like wtf thanks for asking me first. I don't wanna do SL permanently either.

Thank you!!! If they had just told me that I wouldn't be kept on past seasonal, and didn't schedule me for next week, it'd be okay, but I was soooo happy because I thought I was going to be permanent. But nope, guess I was wrong.
Target is sexist as hell, or at least mine is. No men are ever asked to do softlines, and no women are ever asked to do carts. I had to stop our GSTL from asking a male cashier who was over 60 and had back problems to go get carts when no less than three able-bodied college-aged women were also working. "Oh, I didn't even think of asking Jane!" she said.

I couldn't say anything in regards to carts, but ours is pretty much the same as that. If it's getting late, and softlines still has a few carriages, they'll shove a couple guys over there, but nothing permanent.
Honestly, I don't blame you for not wanting to do softlines freight. Doing breakout for softlines can suck. Sorting, detrashing, stocking (zoning!) - it's a lot more work than opening a case of cereal and stocking the shelf.

It's not really the more work part, it's just that it's in such disarray, it's all really confusing. I think I'd feel differently if I actually shopped in the clothing section, I'd know where more things are based on that, but none of their clothes fit me properly, so I don't.
If you want to keep your job at target see if they're willing to budge at all. Tell them you'll help out in softlines for a month or so while they can get someone else trained if they won't and see if that works. Tell them you want properly trained. Once you know the block order of softlines it's not really that bad. Folds are tied to a table and once you know that merona cardigans go on this table, and mossimo tank tops go on that table, it's easy.
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It really is more organized than it looks. I promise. I can step in after months away and do reshop.

A promise is usually only good for as long as the store is at the same staffing level, hours available, etc. Once something changes and they get needy they want you to charge your mind. Your best bet is to stick it out and either talk someone else into it or wait till a round of seasonal hires/new hires comes in to get them in there.
Target is sexist as hell, or at least mine is. No men are ever asked to do softlines, and no women are ever asked to do carts. I had to stop our GSTL from asking a male cashier who was over 60 and had back problems to go get carts when no less than three able-bodied college-aged women were also working. "Oh, I didn't even think of asking Jane!" she said.

That wouldn't fly at my store. We actually have a female cart attendant at my store (who is by far our best cart attendant), as well as at least one male softlines TM. When the LOD calls a cart blitz, they usually call out the male TMs (particularly hardlines), but a couple of the girls in softlines usually volunteer to help.
Here is what I don't understand, they've done nothing illegal or unethical. They need a body in that area and you happened to be picked for it. Regardless of other members who want the position, it is yours. You wanted to be permanent, but you'll refuse it because its in an area you have no desire to be in. Suck it up and cross train into a different area down the road or put your two weeks in and try your hand at getting employed somewhere else where you can dictate 100% how you're utilized...
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