Folks...the fun of ordering supplies is this:
1) figuring out what you need: this can be easy or hard, depending on what people are screaming for and how easy it is to find various things stashed around the store.
2) placing the order (and praying the person you asked to do it actually is able to find everything on sap if you don't have numbers).
3) the waiting game. It is a minimum two weeks before what you ordered will actually begin to show up.
4) it's like Christmas! No, really...because when stuff comes in, you have no idea if you will get what you need. Will you get the correct baby kits or the ones that expired last summer? Will you get the wine bottle bags you so desperately need, or will it just be the coupon paper on today's shipment?
5) After three weeks from placing the last order, place another order, re-ordering all of the original stuff plus all the stuff you are now out of, and wait a few more weeks to see what shows up.
All the while listening to people complain that we are out of supplies, but know we can't do anything about it until the DC decides to send it.
It's all loads of fun!