Why was a vendor using it?Vendor just broke my stamp. Anyone know the sap number?
I would have killed to have known this was an option this when I still was receiving. The ink pads I got were always "way way too much ink" right into "is this thing dead?" with no middle ground that lasted longer than a week or two.Go to the Office Depot punch out catalog on sap. There are various kinds of custom stamps. I just changed mine out to a self inking one Because I was tired of messing with stupid ink pads
You literally just log in to SAP and type "Office Depot" into the search bar. Then you click the link that comes up and you are shopping from Office Depot. When you add stuff to your cart, witchcraft happens and it is added to your regular SAP cart.What is this Office Max Catalog on SAP? second mention I have heard of it, but can't find this mysterious page. As a Signing TM I am always on the lookout to spend more money.