Archived Red and khaki discount

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Don’t talk to me
Aug 29, 2018
I was on the target app a few weeks ago looking for clothes for my uniform and when I added them to my cart it said I was getting the red and khaki discount along with my TM discount and REDcard discount. I can’t remember what day it was and I’ve asked around to see what day it is but no one seems to know? Anyone have any idea what day it falls on? TIA!
I think they are doing it quarterly, but haven't heard the exact dates of the next one.
I literally only saw it once when I was about to buy some pants and haven’t seen it since. I’ve asked a few TMs and they look at me like I’m crazy. Guess I’ll have to ask an LOD about it. I thought it was like a once a month thing but idk🤷🏻‍♀️ If it is quarterly and you find out the day I would love to know!!
I literally only saw it once when I was about to buy some pants and haven’t seen it since. I’ve asked a few TMs and they look at me like I’m crazy. Guess I’ll have to ask an LOD about it. I thought it was like a once a month thing but idk🤷🏻‍♀️ If it is quarterly and you find out the day I would love to know!!

I'll let you know! The last one was the end of Q2, so I would think it would happen again in October, but that's purely a guess.
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