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n00b GSTL
May 13, 2017
Hi! Kinda new GSTL here and I’m looking to start driving red cards again. I was wondering what your front end teams are doing to increase red card applications?

We were thinking of holding some contests of some sort to encourage cashiers to really try and sell them lol. Just not sure how to go about it.
Hi! Kinda new GSTL here and I’m looking to start driving red cards again. I was wondering what your front end teams are doing to increase red card applications?

We were thinking of holding some contests of some sort to encourage cashiers to really try and sell them lol. Just not sure how to go about it.

Don't do contest's. Only because cashiers get discouraged when they see your top performing cashiers winning. Of course this is my opinion and varies by store. We do incentives for everyone that gets a red card [free food/drink, one spot item, extra break]
A real incentive to sell would be money... money commission. But, that will never happen. Sometimes, I think with the pressure cashiers have to sell redcards warrants such a commission, but nonetheless. My store when I cashiered did an extra break, bought food, bought you a soda. Just really small things, buying us food and a drink was probably the best one.
Truuuuue. We’re gonna give out candy to everyone that gets one. And I think we’re going to make a little gift basket for whoever has the most at the end of the month? The old gstl at my store told
me that’s what they used to do.
Truuuuue. We’re gonna give out candy to everyone that gets one. And I think we’re going to make a little gift basket for whoever has the most at the end of the month? The old gstl at my store told
me that’s what they used to do.

I distinctively remember once when our GSTL came up with a Move Night basket-esque thing with two DVDs and popcorn with a two liter pop combined. I don't remember who won it, but I remember it sitting there for about a week lmao. I thought that would have been cool to win, but the store was in a big dry period. I'd almost plead every single person to sign up and no one would. I know with me even just asking about the redcard, I'm doing better than 50% of the cashiers already, but when I push it? I'm doing more than 99% of the cashiers.

I think another big thing to really consider when it comes to redcard incentives is the kind of person a cashier is. Our morning team always gets the most redcards during the week because it's mostly adult cashiers who are asking and pushing to sell, but the evening/closers and weekend workers aren't getting shit because frankly, no one is asking, those kids don't care enough. It's just kind of a funny contrast on how stark the line is between opening and closing. If you can convince the cashiers that don't ask, I think that will do a lot in the long run as well. Remind them it is a Sales experience if they are ever interested in getting into sales and/or marketing, it's good customer service practice for other higher-end jobs, etc.
I distinctively remember once when our GSTL came up with a Move Night basket-esque thing with two DVDs and popcorn with a two liter pop combined. I don't remember who won it, but I remember it sitting there for about a week lmao.

That’s exactly the kind of thing she told me they did! We’re gonna go a spooky themed one for Halloween and then maybe in November we will do the movie night one!
It's very discouraging to the rest of us to see the "power sellers" win the incentive prizes every time. Especially when we suspect said power sellers of less than fully honest tactics. I personally fielded complaints from at least two guests naming the same (now former) cashier and her methods, and several others who wouldn't/couldn't identify the cashier but still made a point of bringing up the underhanded tactics used on prior visits.

Even if you do a raffle thing, the power sellers have way more slips and are way more likely to win.

My store has done free sodas, candy or dollar spot items as incentives. Which can be nice, but again, what good is the carrot if you're in a slump because there's just no convincing these people to switch away from their miles or Disney points cards, or because their husbands "wont let" them apply, or whatever the excuse is today. When the lack of applicants is NOT related to how well we try to push it, no amount of TM incentive program is going to change it. I think that's why Target has started offering these $25 coupon off a future order incentives to the guests.
It's very discouraging to the rest of us to see the "power sellers" win the incentive prizes every time. Especially when we suspect said power sellers of less than fully honest tactics. I personally fielded complaints from at least two guests naming the same (now former) cashier and her methods, and several others who wouldn't/couldn't identify the cashier but still made a point of bringing up the underhanded tactics used on prior visits.

Even if you do a raffle thing, the power sellers have way more slips and are way more likely to win.
This. I used to not even bother putting my little ticket in the cute raffles we would do because it was always the same two ladies who won. Although, my one GSTL noticed I didn’t ever put it in and started putting my tickets in himself and I did win one, which was cool!

Honestly, a thank you and good job goes a long way even if you aren’t getting them. Just acknowledging that they see your attempt is nice. Checklane candy/ snacks, starbucks, or a cafe item is always nice though.
The only time I ever get an incentive is if it’s the first card of the day. Kind of sad when I clock in at 3 and get a red card and then my ETL comes and tells me to pick out a Starbucks because that was the first one, but hey I am NOT complaining
The only issue I have with "I'm tired of seeing the top sellers get the incentives" is maybe you aren't trying hard enough seeing someone else succeed put you down that easily. I know we're not all natural born salespeople but you can be that person if you try hard enough. There's no way in hell I'm gonna be trying sooo hard getting paid nothing but $12/hr but I'll ask and push it two or three times. Usually, the first no means no, but a lot of my redcards have come from the second or third try. A lot of people will say no because they don't have a blank check or their account and bank routing number, but want to apply.

The incentive is there for everyone unless it's one basket, first redcard of the day gets a free drink, etc... if the store is promising everyone that gets a redcard will reap the benefits of an extra break, paid food and drink, or a $5 giftcard, there's nothing stopping you from getting it but yourself. I probably have the unpopular opinion here, but it's the truth. You can say "I am trying! I ask everyone!" but the result isn't there then you aren't trying hard enough. How do you think those people get redcards? Because they are sweet old ladies? No, because they know how to get them. Listen to what your GSTLs tell you how to pitch the redcard, take inspiration from them, and strive to be better than them. I promise you, the sweet old ladies who get all of the redcards aren't gunning to get promoted because they are there to cashier for five hours a day and go home. If you can become one of the top redcard sellers, you will forever reap the benefits if you chase hard enough.

Promotion, leadership development, excellent leadership relationships(also leads to promotion), all of the incentives, you will see a better annual raise(maybe not now since we're apparently getting bumped to $15/hr), and work will generally overall be better. You can do anything if you believe in it. Get those redcards, connect with your leaders, promote, promote, promote, move up, get paid. Oh, and don't forget endless hours. If you decide to leave target for another/better customer service/sales job, bring your track record over, talk about how great you were, how many redcards you sold, what your abilities are, how can you make your next work place more money?
No, the sweet old ladies are fucking bullies. In the words of the guests, as well as in my own opinion. They don't just ask a couple times, they NAG. They shame the guests in their lane. And I and the rest of the SD team hear about it later, which honestly is part of why I only ask once while scanning and then let them know how much they could be saving once I have a total.

I do actually send lots of people home with the flyer so they can apply for debit online because they don't carry a checkbook anymore (is there a way to apply in store with just the routing and account number, but not a physical check???) And we do see 3-5 onlines a week for my store. I won't take credit for all of them, but I'm sure I've got a slice of that pie. Unfortunately, there's no way to know which TM was involved for recognition and/or incentive contests.
No, the sweet old ladies are fucking bullies. In the words of the guests, as well as in my own opinion. They don't just ask a couple times, they NAG. They shame the guests in their lane. And I and the rest of the SD team hear about it later, which honestly is part of why I only ask once while scanning and then let them know how much they could be saving once I have a total.

I do actually send lots of people home with the flyer so they can apply for debit online because they don't carry a checkbook anymore (is there a way to apply in store with just the routing and account number, but not a physical check???) And we do see 3-5 onlines a week for my store. I won't take credit for all of them, but I'm sure I've got a slice of that pie. Unfortunately, there's no way to know which TM was involved for recognition and/or incentive contests.

Nice! I wonder if a good way to recognize TMs through online sign ups is if the customer puts down receipt number(I forgot what number it is, VCD?) to earn some sort of coupon on top of the 5% and it provides the store with TM info on who got them to sign up. Only drawback is if they choose to just take an old receipt and out of the blue a cashier who checked them out two weeks ago suddenly gets credit for it. Now, that's only an issue if the customer misplaces the actual receipt from the last visit that convinced them so they decide to use an older receipt they have, so, while someone gets the credit, the right person doesn't.

The old ladies at my store are just people persons, they smile a lot, and they do push, but not necessarily bully. They're just so nice and easy going it's easy to be like "Ohhhh sure, why not? I'll sign up."
They're smart enough to know they aren't getting paid enough to be actual sales people and literally bully guests. Not that all salespeople are bullies, I like to think I'm not a bully when it comes to getting clients at my business to sign up for a maintenance plan or to purchase a car cleaner I have to help maintain the wax I just put on their car.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I'm in Minnesota, home of Minnesota Nice and slight Northern accents. If you've ever seen Fargo, our accents really aren't that bad, that was a huge stereotype, but it's nice to hear.

When I got my RC debit it was a slowish afternoon and there were 3 cashiers wiping down their belts and looking bored. I had my pick of 4 open lanes to apply at including GS. Cathy happened to be standing closest to her register so I went through Cathy and she got called out over the walkie for getting the 3rd card of the day. But I just as easily could have gone to Sue or Trisha and got them the credit instead.

That's why incentives for RedCards are dumb and pressure to sell is even dumber. Nobody uses checks anymore so if a guest shows up with a blank check and wants to apply, they would have had to come prepared by going to their bank and asking for a blank check or two for the specific purpose of applying, like I did.

Target should be incentivizing hard work and good attendance with more hours.
The old ladies at my store are nags. As soon as the see the TM card comes out with cash they start nagging about the stupid card. Why don't you have one? Don't you want to save another 5%? It only takes a couple of minutes. Blah, blah, blah. I'm just thinking, shut up. I just got off my shift and picked up a couple of food items. I just want to go home and sit down or I'd go to the grocery store where I could get this same stuff for less at regular price than at Target with a 15% discount. I can do it without a special card too!
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I dunno. I'm the top red card seller at my store by leaps and bounds and I just got my hours cut. I've been pushing them in hopes of increasing my hours.... I guess it did the opposite. I sell 6-10 a week.

I think a free Starbucks drink, personal pizza, $5 gift card would be nice. I don't even get recognized anymore....
I'm always in top 3 of red cards. To answer your question, simply announce when people score an application. Everyone loves recognition. To increase RC sales, have your non producers work near your sales pros and train. They can watch, pick up tips on how to sell.

We have a RC bulletin board. Everytime someone scores, they add name to it. In short, recognition is best incentive.
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