Archived Rest Breaks

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I found out the other day that my store is dead last in compliance among...whatever group of stores they use for comparison. That might explain the emphasis.
With the amount of breaks Target provides, everyone may as well be....

Seriously, I used to work at a union supermarket and we got a paid 15 per four hours worked (plus a 30 minute meal every 6 hours). We also had to clock out for our 15s, and they docked us for any extra time we took. Oh, and they also loved scheduling people for shifts that were 8 hours and 15 minutes (so 7 hours and 45 minutes on the clock) so they didn't have to give a second 15.

I find that Target is more TM-friendly than my previous employer in most aspects, even though Target isn't union. This is why I say unions are overrated, at least in retail. 🙂
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