Archived Rev Log

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I have a similar problem. Right now I'm sitting on about 15 or more IRs that are waiting to be pulled and I have probably 15 more that I'm trying to pack. I've been having to cut OT for weeks now because I try to get caught up by staying an extra hour one day to just pull a ton of the batches without vendors interrupting me, but then on Fridays I have to cut that time. I'm hoping next week my store won't care about OT and I can go crazy and finally come clean.
My leaders keep missing the Qa's when I'm not there too. I point it out and they nod and say ok but keep slipping. I just cover my ass , my current score for Qa's is 60 % I also remind them they need to sign into recall alerts. But no one really does.
Yesterday I had 14 Irs so I decided to catch up on stuff in receiving and checked in a lot of dsd. When I left there were 24! Got 6 done today plus loading a sweep. Every day is go go go...I'm tired 😉
I have a similar problem. Right now I'm sitting on about 15 or more IRs that are waiting to be pulled and I have probably 15 more that I'm trying to pack. I've been having to cut OT for weeks now because I try to get caught up by staying an extra hour one day to just pull a ton of the batches without vendors interrupting me, but then on Fridays I have to cut that time. I'm hoping next week my store won't care about OT and I can go crazy and finally come clean.
Every day I'm thankful that they can only make me stay 8 hours haha!
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