Archived Reverse Logistics / Receiving process question

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I have a receiving question. Could someone explain to me the reason why some pipo items do not require a qty keyed in when backstocking? I believe i've had instances where certain types of water asked for a qty, whereas, others have not. Our pipo paper backstock used to only get the one beep and now they've changed it so that we're entering in the exact qty being backstocked.
That is a backroom question, not receiving.

But it's just because Target can't make up their minds about what items they want to have backroom quantities (BRQ) and what items they want to have no quantity. Most pipo products move fast, and it's easy to cause errors while pulling and backstocking (like trying to figure out how many cases of water are left on a huge pallet).

There was a Workbench headline a few months ago that stated all D.253 paper will now have a BRQ in order to improve instocks. They keep flipping back and forth on the water.
That is a backroom question, not receiving.

But it's just because Target can't make up their minds about what items they want to have backroom quantities (BRQ) and what items they want to have no quantity. Most pipo products move fast, and it's easy to cause errors while pulling and backstocking (like trying to figure out how many cases of water are left on a huge pallet).

There was a Workbench headline a few months ago that stated all D.253 paper will now have a BRQ in order to improve instocks. They keep flipping back and forth on the water.

Yeah the paper is a pain. For a while it was a mixed bag, some items PIPO, some not. As for water, all of my stores bulk bottled water has BRQ, except 15-pack nestle. Gallons of baby water, purified/distilled are PIPO. It gets hairy when counts are off. My old store we had an extra pallet over our true count. Our ETL thankfully knew how to do a store update since research doesn't work on it PIPO (well).
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