Archived RIG skipping

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Dec 11, 2015
So for the second time in my short time on Instocks I was approached by my STL today asking why a metric was low. The first time it was just scan count on a particular day, the same day he "liked" a Tweet by another Instocks team member who took it upon themselves to several fix POGs instead of researching. This was when we were all a week into the team.

Yesterday I worked with this same team member and we had knocked out the RIGs by about 7:45 A.M. and we open at 8:00 A.M.. I was asked by opening LoD to clear the flexes and RTS since they need to be completed by 9:00 A.M. then obviously pulled as they appear in the PDA. At 7:45 A.M. when we were starting to research Softlines and when I was asked to take care of Flex really quick, there was still 70 tasks left in the system. I finished Flex and RTS right as the lights for the store came on. I pulled my MyDevice out and noticed the task list was complete already. I don't believe this person honestly scanned 70 (minimum) sections in 15 minutes.

When I looked at a breakdown of last week's scanning by day and by team member, I noticed the day that we had completed the entire task list before opening (to everyone's' astonishment including my own) on the same day of last week, the total scan count for that team member was 50. That's it. This particular person has been picking up most of her hours in the last week or two from visual merchandising but being as they were originally a Softlines team member they are still scheduled Instocks to help on the day that the research in the task list is mostly in Softlines.

So task list drops at 6:30 A.M. and we somehow completed by 8:00 A.M. and yet in 90 minutes of work she has a total of 50 scans? I'm seriously doubting if this person is even doing their work.

So this time I was approached by my STL for the RIG completion %. I want to know if there is any way to see how many RIGs a person skipped on the Workbench anywhere? It doesn't show in TM detail. There has to be a way to investigate this metric further.
There was a way one time don't know how on the news work bench I'll ask are insticke team lead. My instocks team is usually 2 people and they have rigs done by 745
I know there used to be a way to check how many rainchecks and substitutions each TM made but for RIGs? No idea on that one and I kind of doubt but I could be wrong.

Now for checking if somebody is actually researching? See if you can get your TL or ETL to do an audit. Its pretty much just checking for "last researched" dates in an area. That and seeing how much product's getting pulled in the research batches for that area.
Yeah you can see what areas are getting scanned, and how much it's getting scanned. Not sure about rigs though. We are around 85-90% so someone is skipping them. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I do, because the zone is crap.
Yeah you can see what areas are getting scanned, and how much it's getting scanned. Not sure about rigs though. We are around 85-90% so someone is skipping them. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I do, because the zone is crap.

This. The Saturday after black Friday I skipped most of the rigs cause the zone and backroom were a mess. Still walking the backroom before I start shooting to know if I should even actually research an area. If its not backstocked no reason to zero everything and screw it up more. I have been shooting more "outs" than anything lately.
This. The Saturday after black Friday I skipped most of the rigs cause the zone and backroom were a mess. Still walking the backroom before I start shooting to know if I should even actually research an area. If its not backstocked no reason to zero everything and screw it up more. I have been shooting more "outs" than anything lately.
This is honestly all we do. We do the rigs best we can. Seems like since instocks was changed a month or two ago, half our rigs are in pfresh. So we skip those on fdc truck days. Which is basically every other day... So that probably kills the rig completion. After we do rigs we pick an area and scan the crap out of it.
Does skipping rigs affect the completion score? I always thought it did but we had 100% rig completion last week and I know at least one TM that skips them sometimes.
It does and there is no way of seeing a breakdown of RIGs in the report. I asked an ETL from a nearby store who asked higher up. I've since left Target anyway but just got an email about this thread.
99.98% of the time I'm able to complete a RIG with out skipping. It seems the only time I do skip is when an endcap POG hasn't been broken, and (the most likely reason) Plano tied a new POG or revision that morning.

We have always been given reasons to select for why we were skipping the RIG but there has never been a weekly report breaking down those numbers.

"POG Revision" needs to be added to the reasons for skipping and a weekly report needs to be made available that details the percentage for each reason and the number/percentage each TM made.
or the fact that we have 3,000 eggs in the coolers so why scan and get more eggs in on the next truck, just like the specialty half gallon milks we also have about 500 of those in the back also.
These are not STO'd so when a RIG is done on these more and more come in on the next truck. STOP doing a scan on dairy especially on FDC truck days we have more than enough of the product !!
Means some idiot zeroed them out. When we got a new etl, she had zeroed some vendor product out, showed up on the rigs and the drastic count
Why should vendor products not be zeroed out? I keep getting SFS orders for a seasonal Nabisco product that we don't have anymore (confirmed by the vendor), and I've been contemplating researching it to zero so our SFS scores stop taking a hit over something we don't have.
Why should vendor products not be zeroed out? I keep getting SFS orders for a seasonal Nabisco product that we don't have anymore (confirmed by the vendor), and I've been contemplating researching it to zero so our SFS scores stop taking a hit over something we don't have.

MySupport? Or contact your GOL if you have their info. I wouldn't research it unless one of them tells you to.
Why should vendor products not be zeroed out? I keep getting SFS orders for a seasonal Nabisco product that we don't have anymore (confirmed by the vendor), and I've been contemplating researching it to zero so our SFS scores stop taking a hit over something we don't have.

You should zero that out cause it should have never been researched in the first place to get a on hands count. Vendor takes care of count.
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