Archived Rigs/research

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But, but - we shouldn't need stickers with a capacity on them.

The label has the number of facings. The shelf is only so deep. There are only so many "actual & correct" locations.

redundant info is redundant
But, but - we shouldn't need stickers with a capacity on them.

The label has the number of facings. The shelf is only so deep. There are only so many "actual & correct" locations.

redundant info is redundant

I know but we also have guys who don't understand you don't stack trash cans 10 high on the top shelf or baby formula three high on the top shelf. Its a safety issue at that point, we tried the total capacity stickers as a way to prevent that. It was a Flow TL's idea then they promptly ignored it. So now it's almost open warfare between us.

You can say the shelf is only so deep, they don't care. Shampoo bottles is prime example. Six is capacity that fit front to back of shelf, one facing, They have two cases one for in-line and one for the end cap. They jam all the 12 on the in-line shelf, single file and you watch them snake behind the products next to the one they over pushed. Or when its full but the location next to it is empty? Jam the left overs there! Or peg hook is full? Jam the rest of the scrub brushes in the dump bin for the sponges! Or just dump them on the base deck or where the Brillo pads are on the other side of the valley!
You can say the shelf is only so deep, they don't care. Shampoo bottles is prime example. Six is capacity that fit front to back of shelf, one facing, They have two cases one for in-line and one for the end cap. They jam all the 12 on the in-line shelf, single file and you watch them snake behind the products next to the one they over pushed. Or when its full but the location next to it is empty? Jam the left overs there! Or peg hook is full? Jam the rest of the scrub brushes in the dump bin for the sponges! Or just dump them on the base deck or where the Brillo pads are on the other side of the valley!
Our Flow Teams must have trained together. Ours does every one of those lazy ass stunts.
It would help if they're was an explanation for the capacities and how the Backroom - and Flow should work, together. It would just take a precious 18 minutes of Target $$$ to explain and help flow understand why 10 Hefty Step On Trash Cans on the Top shelf aint a good idea. 4 is good. Move On. TRAIN FLOW. INFORM FLOW. PAY ATTENTION TO FLOW. DAMN.
It would help if they're was an explanation for the capacities and how the Backroom - and Flow should work, together. It would just take a precious 18 minutes of Target $$$ to explain and help flow understand why 10 Hefty Step On Trash Cans on the Top shelf aint a good idea. 4 is good. Move On. TRAIN FLOW. INFORM FLOW. PAY ATTENTION TO FLOW. DAMN.

Most of it, including 10 trash cans on the top shelf, should be common sense. And all sorts of those issues have been brought up in my store... they still happen.
It would help if they're was an explanation for the capacities and how the Backroom - and Flow should work, together. It would just take a precious 18 minutes of Target $$$ to explain and help flow understand why 10 Hefty Step On Trash Cans on the Top shelf aint a good idea. 4 is good. Move On. TRAIN FLOW. INFORM FLOW. PAY ATTENTION TO FLOW. DAMN.
Shoving crap everywhere and overstocking to the point where it's dangerous to the guest should be pretty common knowledge on something not to do... They're just apparently to damn lazy to bring the backstock to the front of an isle and put it on a backstock tub. At my store they don't even backstock, and I'm sure it's like that at most... So I'm not really sure why they are so damn against backstock. I asked one guy and his reply was well it doesn't sell in the backroom....
Shoving crap everywhere and overstocking to the point where it's dangerous to the guest should be pretty common knowledge on something not to do... They're just apparently to damn lazy to bring the backstock to the front of an isle and put it on a backstock tub. At my store they don't even backstock, and I'm sure it's like that at most... So I'm not really sure why they are so damn against backstock. I asked one guy and his reply was well it doesn't sell in the backroom....

No, they don't want to stay and do the backstock.
It would help if they're was an explanation for the capacities and how the Backroom - and Flow should work, together. It would just take a precious 18 minutes of Target $$$ to explain and help flow understand why 10 Hefty Step On Trash Cans on the Top shelf aint a good idea. 4 is good. Move On. TRAIN FLOW. INFORM FLOW. PAY ATTENTION TO FLOW. DAMN.

We have told them - they don't care. I have done overnight shifts - they don't care. Until you write them up and fire their asses.
We're going to RIGS only next week...task list is supposed to be smaller but Rigs will increase. Our task list mon-fri is around 240 with rigs being around 100...weekends around 60 rigs only....rumor has it instocks is going away. Let's see how this pans out
I know but we also have guys who don't understand you don't stack trash cans 10 high on the top shelf or baby formula three high on the top shelf. Its a safety issue at that point, we tried the total capacity stickers as a way to prevent that. It was a Flow TL's idea then they promptly ignored it. So now it's almost open warfare between us.

I probably should have used the sarcasm font. 🙂
We're going to RIGS only next week...task list is supposed to be smaller but Rigs will increase. Our task list mon-fri is around 240 with rigs being around 100...weekends around 60 rigs only....rumor has it instocks is going away. Let's see how this pans out
There was a redwire associated with this change that literally said instocks was becoming more important. It's not going away any time soon.
There was a redwire associated with this change that literally said instocks was becoming more important. It's not going away any time soon.
Yeah exactly what I read but after a certain individual came back from the fall meeting basically said the instocks team would be going away...instocks to be handled by others...we shall see
Yeah exactly what I read but after a certain individual came back from the fall meeting basically said the instocks team would be going away...instocks to be handled by others...we shall see

It's the same shit every year - In-stocks doesn't do anything and they should go away, Nope In-Stocks is the backbone and they need all the hours and support they can get. You will find stores with strong In-Stocks leaders and ETL's with a logistics background see the good they can do and the skills well trained people they have. So many gaps can be filled by them. Stores that don't know how to use them view them as a drag on the sales floor, and that is a big loss on their part.

We are in limbo - no hours, no real support beyond our ETL.. So I take the tack of do my job and fill the damn floor so no one can come back on me and say "we didn't make sales, cause the floor was empty."
Pretty sure instocks at my store is Skip, Skip, Skipping through the task list.

We shall see how this all plays out. I am constantly finding product with zero on salesfloor, and locations in the BR.
The sad part is my instocks team constantly gets pulled to do push and go backs...I challenge the LOD and get told truck is priority and they can't scan if there are go backs. I again challenge and say areas to be scanned are pushed and go backs are done...20 mins later I'm being told I'm not a team player and they get my frustration but I have to look at the big picture...I then reply go walk chem and tell me what exactly the big picture is...yet when we do get to scan and 12 vehicles later I'm being told why so much...refer to previous days
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Pretty sure instocks at my store is Skip, Skip, Skipping through the task list.

We shall see how this all plays out. I am constantly finding product with zero on salesfloor, and locations in the BR.

That isn't In-Stocks fault. The new CAF system is not replenishing things and we do the Rig list %95(minus softlines jacked up tables) everyday. We have started to actually research around any Rig and the batches we have been dropping are monsters. That wasn't even a deep scan to fill out the floor that is just filling empty spots and pulling what we took to fill end caps..

@Rolling CAFS "ETL at least you won't have to push it as clearance later." Cause we pulled that BTC bulk plastics heavy and it sold heavy and it went clearance for us today and there wasn't even a flat of it left to markdown.. We could have left it empty but decided that driving sales was the better choice.
wow. flaws for flow for days. highest paid. the least hours. I troubleshoot issues in my 5 hour window to get the push accomplished. If you care like an ETL while you work Flow, it's a no win. Sooooooooooooo...W T F...Oh well, it's their dime...My nickel and no dollar on payday...
Pretty sure instocks at my store is Skip, Skip, Skipping through the task list.
Does your store have the right people on the Instocks Team? We have had a few on ours during the years I've been on Instocks that we could have done without. One we caught burning tasks so it looked like she completed her list, and another we caught not scanning some Outs in aisles (couldn't figure out if it was a lack of concentration or he just didn't want to push a lot when scanning was over). Also, are they given enough hours to Research properly, and, if the hours are there, are they allowed to Research? Or, are they pulled off for reshop, zoning, backup, etc.? Like Bosch, a majority of days I'm only able to shoot Outs and Criticals that are around the RIGS in my list.
Does your store have the right people on the Instocks Team? We have had a few on ours during the years I've been on Instocks that we could have done without. One we caught burning tasks so it looked like she completed her list, and another we caught not scanning some Outs in aisles (couldn't figure out if it was a lack of concentration or he just didn't want to push a lot when scanning was over). Also, are they given enough hours to Research properly, and, if the hours are there, are they allowed to Research? Or, are they pulled off for reshop, zoning, backup, etc.? Like Bosch, a majority of days I'm only able to shoot Outs and Criticals that are around the RIGS in my list.

You guys should be happy you get to shoot anything other than RIGs a majority of days at least. In my store we barely get to finish RIGs before 11AM and get one myDevice typically for 2-3 of us unless we are very lucky. I've been the only one with a myDevice this week and the rest of the team has just been reshop or push the entire day. Research gets pulled 1-3 days after it's done so half of the stuff is already full or flexed over from flow by the time it's pulled and then half the time it gets pushed another day or 2 later. I've ended up pushing a flat with a batch I had researched 4 days prior.
One of my coworkers also used to just clear out the list rapidly (when we still did research) and now, on the off days we get to research anything, typically scans 1-3 items in an aisle with 15+ outs and just goes to the next one. It's a mess, to say the least.
You guys should be happy you get to shoot anything other than RIGs a majority of days at least. In my store we barely get to finish RIGs before 11AM and get one myDevice typically for 2-3 of us unless we are very lucky. I've been the only one with a myDevice this week and the rest of the team has just been reshop or push the entire day. Research gets pulled 1-3 days after it's done so half of the stuff is already full or flexed over from flow by the time it's pulled and then half the time it gets pushed another day or 2 later. I've ended up pushing a flat with a batch I had researched 4 days prior.
One of my coworkers also used to just clear out the list rapidly (when we still did research) and now, on the off days we get to research anything, typically scans 1-3 items in an aisle with 15+ outs and just goes to the next one. It's a mess, to say the least.
I'm just baffled you guys have two to three people on a day. I'm always by myself maybe one day a week with another. Person
I'm just baffled you guys have two to three people on a day. I'm always by myself maybe one day a week with another. Person
Yeah we used to just have one instocks TM, with the LOD or some random TM on the other two days.
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