Archived RIP Backroom and SFS - Cyber Monday

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Jan 26, 2013
We're about to get flexes and picks up the ass. No lube. There were 32 SPUs in the gun when I left and it isn't even Monday yet.
Don't get me started on SFS. Their packages were all over the receiving side of the backroom, with 4 pallets right in front of the soda backstock.

I'm sure when I today there will be even more pallets in everyone's way and the SFS captain will be hinting that I should do something about it.
It's frustrating to work in a space not designed to accommodate current processes. Obviously 99.9% of stores were built long before SFS, so that means they're going to take space away in order to fit it in there.

We had 20 flats of packages the other day- completely filled up the receiving end of the BR and left us with hardly any vehicles for he rest of the day. The vehicles don't really bother me, but we have BR aisles all around the packing station and when they have 15 SFS 3-tiers back there it's impossible to do pulls

I wish they'd just take our break room away and make that the SFS location 🙄
When I left my store this morning there were 60 SFS in the gun, our limit is 500 up until tomorrow and then I'm not sure how much it will drop.
It's frustrating to work in a space not designed to accommodate current processes. Obviously 99.9% of stores were built long before SFS, so that means they're going to take space away in order to fit it in there.

We had 20 flats of packages the other day- completely filled up the receiving end of the BR and left us with hardly any vehicles for he rest of the day. The vehicles don't really bother me, but we have BR aisles all around the packing station and when they have 15 SFS 3-tiers back there it's impossible to do pulls

I wish they'd just take our break room away and make that the SFS location 🙄
Our SFS area is in a little corner of the backroom. To set it up we had to get rid of the bike building area and several spaces for soda backstock. So now there's nowhere to build bikes and there's always several piles of soda floating around the back getting in everyone's way. It's a mess.

Also when I left today there were 7+ pallets and flats ready to be picked up. They were still packing orders. And today's UPS driver is the one who is flaky as fuck and always finds a reason to not do the SFS pickup. Or the usual pickup. I don't have a good feeling about what I'll walk into tomorrow.
I walked into 28 flexes this morning, even had an hour where not a single one dropped.
7 flexes dropped in at like 10pm at my store. I thought they were supposed to stop dropping 1 hour before close? Grrr.
Unfortunately mine were showing they were due at 10:56, 11:04 etc.

The 10:56 one u still had to do. The 11:04 was due at 9am. They changed it about 4 months ago in order to show the order they dropped instead of being alphabetical with a 9am due time. It's always an hour before close so if u close at 11 anything that drops in after 10 will be due at 9am.
Guys looks on its not cyber monday...its CYBER WEEK!
Guys looks on its not cyber monday...its CYBER WEEK!
I think Monday there's a 15% off everything* deal though.

@SFSFun I can only imagine how you've been handling everything.. 🙁
Last week was crazy, but the paycheck is worth it. I'm taking a few weeks off from my other job so I can lead the overnight team, so it's not that bad right now.
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I think Monday there's a 15% off everything* deal though.

Last week was crazy, but they paycheck is worth it. I'm taking a few weeks off from my other job so I can lead the overnight team, so it's not that bad right now.
You effefin Rock!!! Besides you sound like me in regards to work ethic so you also want it done correctly.
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