Archived Sales goal sheets?

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Aug 21, 2018
Hey guys

Sorry for the long rant, but I am very frustrated with the LOD for the front end & sales floor at my store

She pulled me into her office yesterday and started grilling me. She started by asking me if I rally wanted to be Target, but gave me no time for a response. She then asked how come I did not turn in my sales goal sheet the day before. My response was that I did know what a sales goal sheet was, but there was no response on her part. She then asked why I did not activate the Consumer Cellular phone for the older lady. I told her that I was never trained on that and I tried to get you to come back and help, but your response was that you were with another team member in an office (I did find out later that she knew little to nothing about electronics, so she would have been NO help at all). I told the guest I was only covering a lunch break and that if she returned in 20 minutes the person scheduled the area for the evening would help her.

This LOD then began going about how I should have been trained on all this and the sales goal sheet was the first thing covered in said training. I tried explaining that I only had a few minutes of training here or there before someone went on a break. She then insisted that I should have gotten at least one days worth of training with another electronics team member and that was my responsibility to be completing some other training on the Target Learn application. After that she said I needed to have this completed ASAP, as I was scheduled there in two weeks (more on this in a moment or two).

Next she starts going about how if I did not take my job and the training for said job more seriously that she would be forced to put me on a CCA (what that is). She also questioned if electronics was a good fit for me or not. I gave her no response, as I was sure the only words that might come out included four letters.

Lastly I asked her why I was scheduled in electronics in two weeks, as I requested those days off and they had been approved by her. Her response was that there no one else to cover, as they were short team members and if she scheduled someone else that might put them in overtime. She then said I could write in the swap shift book and maybe I would get lucky and someone else would take the shift. I started to say something about her last comment, but again was so frustrated that I knew I just needed to keep my month shut. In any event I did NOT write this shift in the swap shift book, as I don’t feel it is my responsibility to cover this shift, as she approved these days off over two months ago.

Now I have a few questions for other in the group:
What is a sales goal sheet?
How do I get into the Target Learn application and what electronics trainings should I be doing?
Can the dumb ass LOD schedule during my approved time off?
What happens when I don’t come in for these electronics shifts, as I am flying somewhere for a long weekend and I will not be anywhere near a Target store?
What is a CCA?

In closing I really think my days are numbered. but as I have stated before I was only going to stay until I graduate school in December, as I already have a job offer at a medical clinic where I am doing my practicum at for my degree. They told me that I can start whenever I feel like it, including after the first of year (I think their thoughts are that I will want stay at Target through the busy holiday season). My thoughts were to start this job the week after I finished school. I am just trying to decide if I should start looking a temporary job or not to hold me over until I am done with school.

Thanks for reading my long post
Yes, print out the approved days from when and give to her. Be sure to save a copy for yourself in case anyone tries to change them in the system.

I'd try to pick up another job, quite frankly. With all of the changes, leadership is under a lot of pressure and looks like you are becoming a scapegoat. Besides, why work in retail for the holidays if you don't need to.

I have no idea what the learn app is, but I'm a cashier and don't have to sell to the guests other than RCs and protection plans.
Learn at target - electronics on workbench or mydevice
Start with st3000 to st3008.
Select mobile phones, tv’s & service plans.
Learn at target - electronics on workbench or mydevice
Start with st3000 to st3008.
Select mobile phones, tv’s & service plans.

I can tell you that I do know how to sell service plans, although I think there is glitch in the system, as the weekly reports don't always show the correct number of service plans sold. For instance I can sell five items and get three service plans, but is might only show me, as getting one service plan. I was told by the new sales floor team lead (old GSTL) that reports never lie. Of course per the report she got one item and did not get a service plan or accessory for it, so she at 0%.

The mobile phone training might help me though to activate a Consumer Cellular phone. Just have to say that I am not sure why Target carries these, as the old farts that buy then don't fit within the demographic that they are going after. Heard it was middle to upper middle class moms aged 24-54.

Yes, print out the approved days from when and give to her. Be sure to save a copy for yourself in case anyone tries to change them in the system.

I'd try to pick up another job, quite frankly. With all of the changes, leadership is under a lot of pressure and looks like you are becoming a scapegoat. Besides, why work in retail for the holidays if you don't need to.

I have no idea what the learn app is, but I'm a cashier and don't have to sell to the guests other than RCs and protection plans.
I really just need something to hold me over until 2nd week in December, as that is when I can start full time at the clinic. I only have a job to pay for my car insurance, gas, and to have some Starbucks/movie money, as schooling, housing, and medical insurance are paid for with scholorships or by my parents. I may have to look at the college to see if they have any part time jobs.

Only certain items qualified for service plans.
Yep I was told that by an electronics team member that has been with Target for years just before I clocked out. She said like only 40 or 50 items qualify for a service plan. She also said to never offer one with the prepaid phones, despite the POS system prompting you to offer them. She then said they had to give a guest a new phone well past the return period, as Square Trade would not do anything to help this guest.

Hardlinesmaster answered most of your questions. TBH I wouldn't worry about finding a new job if you will be gone by December. In order to be on a CA you need to sign something (or they show you the document and you refuse to sign). After a CA comes a final warning. If they really really wanted to go after you it would most likely take 3 months.... that is unless its something serious that would end up being considered gross misconduct.

Edit: If you get put on a final and you don't think you can make it time to start job hunting!

I am just letting everyone know that gal in the schedule office (that is what we call it) took me out of the schedule for next week and told me to have a good time on my mini vacay. She also said not to worry about the LOD, as she thinks her days are also numbered. I guess she did something bad/wrong in the cash office, but because we were between store leaders nothing happened to her. Sounds though when the district leader found out a month later was told that she could have been fired over that, but for whatever reason was not (darn). Lastly was told she is the only one working in her house and that she is expected a baby (has not told her husband). I also guess they (her and husband) still owe lots on their student loans, in addition to a house payment, and two car loans.

After this she also said not to worry about the sales floor team lead who had been going after me for not getting service plans in electronics, as they were looking for a hardlines leader and this other person would just do softlines. I said good, as I will not work in softlines.

On another note she printed me out a learning plan for electronics and highlighted everything she thought I needed to know or had not already learned, as a cashier.

Is this the same LOD that rang the push-out through as a cash transaction?
Yep! What a dumb ass! I've been called a smart ass, but I always say it is better a smart ass, than a dumb ass.


Ah. Hopefully her actions wrt your other situation (on top of everything else) now means they've got enough to can her ass.

I am just letting everyone know that gal in the schedule office (that is what we call it) took me out of the schedule for next week and told me to have a good time on my mini vacay. She also said not to worry about the LOD, as she thinks her days are also numbered. I guess she did something bad/wrong in the cash office, but because we were between store leaders nothing happened to her. Sounds though when the district leader found out a month later was told that she could have been fired over that, but for whatever reason was not (darn). Lastly was told she is the only one working in her house and that she is expected a baby (has not told her husband). I also guess they (her and husband) still owe lots on their student loans, in addition to a house payment, and two car loans.

After this she also said not to worry about the sales floor team lead who had been going after me for not getting service plans in electronics, as they were looking for a hardlines leader and this other person would just do softlines. I said good, as I will not work in softlines.

On another note she printed me out a learning plan for electronics and highlighted everything she thought I needed to know or had not already learned, as a cashier.


Sounds like you have an angel in HR 🙂
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