Archived Scanning IDs for age restricted items

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Weird, we have to ID for all sorts of medication at the registers. Might be state law rather than federal. Or perhaps state law is actually stricter where you are in the sense that the same items require being ID'ed, bt they also require being dispensed by the pharmacy.

Anything with the fen...whatever is regulated and has to be behind a pharmacy counter in order to be sold. And only the pharmacy can sell it. The rest of the stuff...all the cold medicines that took it out can be sold off the shelf, but Target still makes us put the ID in. They actually took some products off the list...but not enough in my opinion.
Ahh, you meant legally not required to ID for it, thought you meant it didn't prompt for ID.

Dextromethorphan is definitely in things we sell over the counter here and is the main thing I have seen lead to us checking for ID here.

Yes, products containing DXM are technically legal to sell to minors, but IMO they probably shouldn't be. It's often used recreationally, and many things that contain it also contain acetaminophen, which will potentially cause liver damage when taken in high doses.
Do your IDs scan or swipe? If they swipe, it has to be done on the credit card reader.

They scan. You can still scan IDs for returns, but age restricted items cause the POS to slow way down and then prompt for a birthdate to be entered manually. Must be a bug. It's been that way since the chip and pin rollout.
We experience the slowdown you're referencing, but on the screen that prompts for DOB to be typed scanning the back of the ID works just fine, it's still laggy, but the lag is present whether we scan or type.
I have a few times told the guest who got snarky about why they need to show the license "I have to scan it because of state law. I by law can't sell this to you without it!" I'm still surprised I never got spoken to about this!
The well
The only time that I have keyed in a random DOB was when the guest was already extremely upset, very obviously over 40, and I didn't want to risk their anger over their ID. Our store is more lax about scanning vs keying in for age restricted items though.
Yea I won't put in a fake birthday. If there is a sting the police won't care. If she does not want to show ID than she really does not want or need the product!
We experience the slowdown you're referencing, but on the screen that prompts for DOB to be typed scanning the back of the ID works just fine, it's still laggy, but the lag is present whether we scan or type.

Good to know. I don't spend a lot of time on a register or even supervising the front lanes anymore so sometimes I miss this sort of thing.
Strange... our registers won't scan IDs since we got the chip-and-pin update. We now have to hand-key all birth dates. I thought this was everyone, but apparently it's not!

We had this problem for a month or two after the chip-and-PIN update, but scanning IDs works fine now.

Anything with the fen...whatever is regulated and has to be behind a pharmacy counter in order to be sold. And only the pharmacy can sell it. The rest of the stuff...all the cold medicines that took it out can be sold off the shelf, but Target still makes us put the ID in. They actually took some products off the list...but not enough in my opinion.

Medicines containing pseudoephedrine are required to be sold through the pharmacy. My understanding is that medicines containing dextromethorphan are age-restricted per Target policy because kids abuse them. We can sell DM formulas at the checklanes; we just have to scan the guest's ID to verify their age.
I tend to just key in the DOB. I make sure to look at it carefully, unless they are obviously over 30.
I know you HAVE to scan IDs when people buy sudafed and similar medications, no matter what the age, because the DEA needs to know when tweakers are buying a shit ton of it. Sometimes I tell guests about that. Another good conversation starter lol. But for video games, I just type in random birthdays for anyone who looks older than me hahaha.
I know you HAVE to scan IDs when people buy sudafed and similar medications, no matter what the age, because the DEA needs to know when tweakers are buying a shit ton of it. Sometimes I tell guests about that. Another good conversation starter lol. But for video games, I just type in random birthdays for anyone who looks older than me hahaha.

But luckily the Sudafed stuff is no longer our problem. All of that stuff has to be purchased behind the pharmacy counter. None of the stuff in the aisle has the pseduophedrine in it.
But luckily the Sudafed stuff is no longer our problem. All of that stuff has to be purchased behind the pharmacy counter. None of the stuff in the aisle has the pseduophedrine in it.
So your state doesn't require you to id for items containing dextromethorphan?
Sorry, my misunderstanding.
Anything outside the counter - like cough syrup, etc - should still trigger an ID check.
If not, I'd mySupport it unless your state laws indicate otherwise.
The latest article I could find was over a year old, but there are only a handful of states that have laws that limit the sale of products containing DXM to those over the age of 18. And even less states require information to be retained like it is on pseduophedrine.
Great news! I haven't had a "tin-hat happy" guest for weeks now! I took some of the advice here and now when I see something that will prompt an ID, I inform the guest and say "just so you know [the register] might stop me to scan your ID when the (item) gets up here." I have no clue if that's made a difference but who cares- no conspiracy theories to speak of!

Thanks peepz ;-)
Target should have signs to say "we have a 100% proof policy NO exceptions" hopefully it would cut down on the back-talk and sass from guests!
The thing with dextromethorphan is in high doses it is a dissociative psychotropic drug. Teens have figured this out and now trip on dayquil.

So this is what the Beetles meant when they sang "Daytrippin" kids these days...

Having been a kid once, and not too long ago, I can tell you Mushrooms and such are about just as easy to find.

and probably safer (lol) and way more worth the money.
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