Archived Scanning IDs for age restricted items

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I have had several guests who think the cold medicine ID trigger is dumb. I get it. But then I've been asked, "how old do you have to be to buy cold medicine?" So...16? The age of a driver's license in your state? Or is there an age trigger based on their ID scan that could shut down the sale? I know that minor cashiers can't sell alcohol to guests but can they buy Nyquil? Just wondering....
I have had several guests who think the cold medicine ID trigger is dumb. I get it. But then I've been asked, "how old do you have to be to buy cold medicine?" So...16? The age of a driver's license in your state? Or is there an age trigger based on their ID scan that could shut down the sale? I know that minor cashiers can't sell alcohol to guests but can they buy Nyquil? Just wondering....

Isn't it 18? I was told it's age-gated because it can be used to make drugs.
18 y/o's won't make drugs? I know many 18 y/o's still in HS (seniors) that could easily purchase and pass out to younger buddies. Isn't cold medicine used to make "lean?"

Shouldn't it be 21...the legal age to consume alcohol? I really don't know
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18 y/o's won't make drugs? I know many 18 y/o's still in HS (seniors) that could easily purchase and pass out to younger buddies. Isn't cold medicine used to make "lean?" Yep, I have daughters in HS so I hear things... :/

Shouldn't it be 21...the legal age to consume alcohol? I really don't know
"Lean" is actually promethazine w/codeine cough syrup which needs a prescription, but clearly that doesn't stop people from getting their hands on it 🙂
None of the medicine coming through the registers up front needs to have us ID guests. That's all behind the pharmacy counter. Why Target makes us ID people for that stuff is beyond me.

And yes, I dislike the fact that we live in a state that requires stores to track drain clog remover. World's dumbest law.
anything you can get high on gets flagged. compressed air, Robitussin etc. google the product and figure out how it can be used to make something that'll get a high you'll see why

as to the op, i don't care about birthdates if they look old enough for anything other than alcohol. alcohol i've talked to many guests. i know youre 70, but our policy is to see an id. the alcohol checks are did they ask for id. we don't need to scan if you don't like it, just let the cashier know.
Sometimes Silly String gets the ID pop up and then it goes away....... Then it'll come back again in the most random times.......
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