Archived Scared of TL

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My cats know Kung-Fu. This person better watch out for the "Cobra Strike."
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No, I suppose I should rephrase, that hostile work environment isn't just about making someone uncomfortable, it's about harassing or otherwise making someone uncomfortable, specifically related to a class protected by anti-discrimination statues. I'm not sure where gets its information, but it's not particularly accurate. It states further down the page that federal labor laws relate to discrimination, then go back to stating their erroneously broad definition of "making someone uncomfortable" which is not part of the definition. Wikipedia has a better explanation of the US labor laws around hostile work environment: Hostile work environment - Wikipedia -

So, being an asshole, making someone uncomfortable, etc. doesn't constitute a hostile work environment as far as federal labor laws are concerned, unless you're being an asshole specifically because of someone's race, gender, disability, religion or (where protected) pregnancy status, sexual orientation, etc.

Pedantic, perhaps, but HR likely knows what an actual hostile work environment consists of, and you make yourself look like an idiot throwing around a term that doesn't actually apply.

A case could possibly be made, if the TL is male and OP is female that there is some sort of gender-based harassment going on, but I can't say that for sure from here.

It doesn't matter, though, as OP shouldn't need to throw around any special terms, as his behavior is alarming and threatening enough that HR should be investigating and dealing with the guy, regardless.
So in your lawyerly opinion, does harassment constitute a hostile work environment? How about bullying?
It is clear that the OP has let the “offender” know how she feels about pussys (cats).
The offender is using that information to harrass and bully the OP.
I rest my case.

Edit:- intimidation by way of pussy (cat)
Yes, go HR. Chances are that someone else has complained about the TL. At the moment, don't worry about documentation......if others have complained then there will be a record of others going to HR.
Now, if HR doesn't seem to respond in a positive manner then document everything.....and get others to back you up.

But...start with HR...sooner rather than later.
Thank you so much for everyone who responded and all of the support. I apologize for not replying sooner but I haven't seen this jerk up until yesterday (mostly opposite shifts). Anyway, I was putting away backstock and he appeared...I was trapped. I started to panic but got my phone out and told him I was recording him (I wasn't really because I'm not that fast 😵). Instead of him being a nasty jerk, he apologized. It sounded forced and awkward but I thanked him and he left. This definitley was not a Hallmark moment 😱. I have no idea what prompted this because I didn't go to HR or call the hitline. All I can think of is that someone else made a complaint about him and he got worried about his job?. I did forget to mention that other TMs find him odd, creepy, "slimey" was one word used by a buddy. Slimey sums it up for me but I do hope the next time I see him will be because he's walking out that door for good.
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Its possible another tm either talked to hr or called the hotline its happened with our store when an etl was making extremely inappropriate comments to younger female tms. Those tms didnt say anything but some seasoned tms went straight to the hotline over it. Thst etl was soon let go. Dont let it fool you though keep on your toes till this jerk moves on from the store and believe me if he got talked to its a matter of time
Thanks aronoiiel, my radar is still on high alert. He's not off the hook yet even after that lame apology. I did document his comments along with time and dates. My husband was ready to go to the police after I told him what was happening. I promised myself that if anything happened 1 more time, I will call the hotline ir HR. I guess I chickened out before but not the next time.
The guy apologized, all that talk about hurting innocent cats. He turned out to be a pussy himself, and thats the thing, with these bullies you just got to get in their face and show them you wont be victimized. Bravo to you standing up for yourself!
I'm would just kick his ass outside of target and show him what's it's like to pick on someone his own size
While this may not constitute harassment from a legal perspective, it's still sick, bullying behavior. And that's wrong. If this TL has been employed at your store for any length of time, I would almost guarantee that at least one other person has been treated similarly. If everyone stays quiet about this jerk, then he continues to get away with it. (Calling Harvey Weinstein!)
I agree with others who've cautioned against his lame apology being the end of it. Might be, or he might just move to picking on someone else. And maybe he picks on others you're not aware of, during those shifts when you haven't also been scheduled.
Sounds like a perfectly awful person. Please do speak to HR, your STL, the hotline - someone.
We had a whole 'nother way of dealing with a person like that back in my other career.
All target policy aside, if the state requires you to have constant before recording ,then the best way to go is don’t do it. Word gets our you recorded and you might end up in a police station for invasion of privacy.
All target policy aside, if the state requires you to have constant before recording ,then the best way to go is don’t do it. Word gets our you recorded and you might end up in a police station for invasion of privacy.
Your spelling man, your spelling! were you jogging at the time? Were you about to miss the bus? Were you eating and typing with one hand? Were you driving and typing?
My bad bro. Just auto correct and shit hits the fan. I should spell prof before posting. Sorry bro
Not a hostile work environment, because that specifically applies to discrimination, and I'm pretty sure cats aren't protected by discrimination laws, but that's some fucked up shit.

Incorrect. Hostile work environment can INCLUDE discrimination, but it isn't exclusive. Hostile work environment is just that...someone doing or saying something to make another person feel uncomfortable.
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