No, I suppose I should rephrase, that hostile work environment isn't just about making someone uncomfortable, it's about harassing or otherwise making someone uncomfortable, specifically related to a class protected by anti-discrimination statues. I'm not sure where gets its information, but it's not particularly accurate. It states further down the page that federal labor laws relate to discrimination, then go back to stating their erroneously broad definition of "making someone uncomfortable" which is not part of the definition. Wikipedia has a better explanation of the US labor laws around hostile work environment:
Hostile work environment - Wikipedia -
So, being an asshole, making someone uncomfortable, etc. doesn't constitute a hostile work environment as far as federal labor laws are concerned, unless you're being an asshole specifically because of someone's race, gender, disability, religion or (where protected) pregnancy status, sexual orientation, etc.
Pedantic, perhaps, but HR likely knows what an actual hostile work environment consists of, and you make yourself look like an idiot throwing around a term that doesn't actually apply.
A case could possibly be made, if the TL is male and OP is female that there is some sort of gender-based harassment going on, but I can't say that for sure from here.
It doesn't matter, though, as OP shouldn't need to throw around any special terms, as his behavior is alarming and threatening enough that HR should be investigating and dealing with the guy, regardless.