Archived Schedules

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Unfortunately a complete day off is unlikely since i have a traditional day job (during the week) and Target really wants me on the weekends. But an evening or two where I never work would be great. I told my husband it's just about using my non-work time more wisely. Wasting less time on Social Media and keeping up on household/life stuff.
My other job is 8-430 m-f. Spot will be 6-10 on weeknights (I already talked to them about not being available later than 10 even during holiday hours due to my other job) and then any time on weekends.
"Talked to them" and had it approved = not the same thing. Let us know your Thanksgiving night schedule.

Yeah once I’m past my 90 days and the holidays are over I will probably lower my availability. I had a job where I consistently worked OT and my personal life and housekeeping was non existent
You don't just get to "lower your availability." It has to get approved.

I asked to lower my availability. They said no. So, I quit and took a job paying $30 an hour. So, I could have stayed and worked less. Instead, I quit and don't work there at all. The ETL-GS isn't the sharpest took in the shed. Nor is she very likeable. 20+ years of Target has removed her soul I believe.
Swap shift board lol.

I could do 50 to 60 at one job. Two separate places it's a bit excessive uniform switching/driving in holiday traffic etc.
I routinely do 50-60 plus driving at spot during holidays or big resets. I make sure I've got plenty of snacks, both healthy and not. Plenty of drinks of varied types. Either frozen dinners or plans to make a giant salad for the week plus cut fruit.
Any tips for working 63.75 hours in a week (Spot is a second job to a full time job)?

I spent nearly a year working about this much between a full-time job and Spot. Luckily my full-time job was flexible and I could choose my own hours. Typically, though I did 7-3:30 M-f (full time job) and 5-whenever a few weeknights at Spot and usually both Sat and Sun long shifts. Just pace yourself. Make sure to save time to relax.
Noon on Thursday 10 days out. My store is really good about this. The only time there is a delay is, of course when the Black Friday schedule gets posted. Then it's up by noon on Friday. The only other time is if there is a computer glitch that prevents the posting of the schedule, which is extremely rare.
"Talked to them" and had it approved = not the same thing. Let us know your Thanksgiving night schedule.

You don't just get to "lower your availability." It has to get approved.

I asked to lower my availability. They said no. So, I quit and took a job paying $30 an hour. So, I could have stayed and worked less. Instead, I quit and don't work there at all. The ETL-GS isn't the sharpest took in the shed. Nor is she very likeable. 20+ years of Target has removed her soul I believe.

It’s a second job for me for fun and extras. I can and will quit at any time if they aren’t willing to work with me. My full time job is my passion and my priority. I do have thanksgiving and Black Friday off of my full time job (paid holidays) and will work whenever up. The same with Christmas. But If I work the next day at my FT job then 10 is the max. I get up at 6 and I have an hour commute to my other job. Sleep is partly a safety issue and I’m not going to sacrifice sleep.
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