Archived Screwed up majorly today, am worried about getting fired.

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They didn't 'pay' for them.
They tell the cashier it's a 'cash' card & to hit K1 as they swipe a dummy card.
The drawer pops open because the register is expecting a cash payment; the card has NO bearing on it.
Only a savvy cashier would catch it so I expect 2/3 of our checklane team to get stung.
Lol if it were me I would tell them i hit k1 but actually not and let them realize... Ideally it'd be a credit card and it would charge them before they realized since we don't need a signature. Then I'd tell AP.
You think ap can reverse the payment? Or void those gift cards?
They can but chances are they used them up already.
If a guest tells you to press any button, and is insisting, call your LoD, report it to AP, etc.
Or if anyone is buying $3000 in gift cards that may be a good time to call AP as well. Anything GC related over $500 I call GSTL. Legit guests always understand. Scammers will try to convince you not to or abandon purchase.
I had a thing once where a guy bought a prepaid visa card and then somehow dropped it into a sewer drain right outside our store (our ETL-AP looked at the footage cause the guy came back in to ask if there was anything we could do) and so we post-voided the transaction with the gift card and gave him a different one. He had the receipt though so idk if AP can look up the receipt somehow and do it that way
Used to be EJ could pull up both sets of numbers (card# & activation#) but I think that's only for AP look-up now.
Or if anyone is buying $3000 in gift cards that may be a good time to call AP as well. Anything GC related over $500 I call GSTL. Legit guests always understand. Scammers will try to convince you not to or abandon purchase.
Any $200 dollar and up iTunes purchases and I will start asking questions. Some of the people I have stopped from being scammed have been told to purchase $300 to $400 worth of GC's. Sometimes they are told to purchase them from different stores in increments of $200. This adds up very quickly.
We used to have to check that ID and name on CC matched for GC purchases over $100. I don't work GS as much so is that not a thing anymore?
We used to have to check that ID and name on CC matched for GC purchases over $100. I don't work GS as much so is that not a thing anymore?
I was told that we’re not allowed to check ID at least at my store, but a lot of times if it’s super sketch, I still ask or I’ll discretely hit K8 right after they put their card in and cancel it and tell them it didn’t go through.

Or even just saying I need a manager to approve this high of a giftcard purchase usually scares most scammers off.
So I don’t understand, they bought gift cards worth $3000 and paid you $3000, where is loss to Target ? And hownhow is this a scam? If they paid cash?

There are many kinda
I was told that we’re not allowed to check ID at least at my store, but a lot of times if it’s super sketch, I still ask or I’ll discretely hit K8 right after they put their card in and cancel it and tell them it didn’t go through.

Technically we can't. As long as the card is signed on the back, it's considered authorized for use, and a customer can say no, and still use the card. However, that only effects visa and mastercard. I ask, and If they make a stink, we shut it down.

Can retailers ask for ID with your credit card? -
They didn't 'pay' for them.
They tell the cashier it's a 'cash' card & to hit K1 as they swipe a dummy card.
The drawer pops open because the register is expecting a cash payment; the card has NO bearing on it.
Only a savvy cashier would catch it so I expect 2/3 of our checklane team to get stung.

This is new to me... if you hit enter at the "how much in cash?" prompt it will auto-fill in exact change?
Your not gonna get fired if your over 90 days, maybe just a write up from either AP or ETL-GE, but believe me, AP will have their eyes on you for at least the next year until they are sure it was a mistake. Happened before at my store.

From now on, if you don’t know what to do, use the GSTL, that’s what they are there for.
K1 scams are nothing new. I’ve seen them for as long as I’ve been in AP. I would be cautious anytime a guest tells you how to do your job.

To be honest the cashier training Target offers I don’t think you should be fired for this. But I think better training across the board for Target would help prevent these things.
Here's the thing .... I set pogs, do price change, and yang signs. I took my cashier training 15 years ago. I rarely back up. And when I do, it's when the lines are back to pets.

So when I get up there, I find it hard to turn on my blinker.

I don't expect the cashiers to come set my POG. If Target wants trained cashiers, train them!

I never get any info about scams at work. All I hear at work is .... redcards, redcards, redcards. If it wasn't for this website, I'd have no idea at all about most scams.

Mostly, I get up to backup and just accept whatever the guest says.
I can't speak for every GSA, but I know that when I'm watching the lanes I'd rather respond to a thousand blinkers about basic questions than have any cashier get taken advantage of by a scammer. Please ask questions!
THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One advantage, I've found, of being sales floor and only backing up on the lanes is I can continue to play dumb pretty much forever. "Oh, sorry, I work on the sales floor so I don't really know how all this works so I'm going to check with a manager..."
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