Archived Seasonal packer - overstaffed

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Sep 3, 2017
Hey everybody,

I was just hired on as a seasonal packer through target. I'm a partially disabled veteran and started yesterday; did training / worked the full day / exceeded my numbers required. Today I go in and they're overstaffed again for the day. After rolling through the list of people, most people didnt want to go home. This resulted in the offer for me to go home, and I was told it wouldn't count against me and it wouldn't affect holiday pay; so I took the day (with other Seasonals) to prevent overstressing my injury. I feel like this was a really bad move and especially being on just my 2nd day. It might sound like an obvious question, because to me it looks bad regardless of me being asked to leave by management or not. Will this affect me negatively or increase my chances of being fired? Not sure how target reviews seasonal employees. Thanks.
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IMO, you volunteering to go home can only help you. You're bascally 'taking one for the team' because no one has to leave when they are scheduled.
It shouldn’t affect you negatively. It’s more of a scenario where you are able to take the hours off whilst others might not be. It’s not the same as a call out. Even if it’s your second day, you will be fine.
Thank you for your responses!

That was the scenerio I was placed in. Some people I could tell needed the work more than I (Personally, I wanted to stay and work, but decided to rest based on my previous statement).
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