Archived Self-Checkouts

Does your store have self-checkouts?

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At my store we have a dedicated TM scheduled for it. All of ours work, and they work well with someone watching them at all times. It's when there isn't any coverage over them that it gets hairy, because people think that they can use self checkout with a cart full of groceries, clothes, etc.
I often have to use SCU for a large basket because of a lack of cashiers at my store in the mornings since I often shop in the mornings after work. It's a miracle if nothing goes wrong.
My store got 8 new selfcheckouts with the cameras. Pretty rad.

We are getting those camera's installed soon. We need them. People love to pretend to ring stuff out and then walk out.. We call them "Self bag and go's" over self checkouts.
My grocery store has cameras on each SCO and it doesn't seem to deter anyone.
Question for everyone regarding SCO: Is there a limit to how many coupons it can take? I know now we have to approve all of the coupons manually but does the machine ACTUALLY limit you to a certain amount? Reason I ask is someone tried to take a large amount of coupons through SCO and was told they could not and then (you guessed it) pitched a fit. Now my GE, who doesn't like to say no to anyone (unless you are a GSTL), is saying we can allow however many coupons we want if they guest wishes to use SCO because there is nothing written.

I think that while there is no physical limit, I think courtesy should dictate that if you want to be cray coupon guest take it through a real register so you don't hold up the line and keep the SCO team member occupied while they approve all of your coupons.

Question for everyone regarding SCO: Is there a limit to how many coupons it can take? I know now we have to approve all of the coupons manually but does the machine ACTUALLY limit you to a certain amount? Reason I ask is someone tried to take a large amount of coupons through SCO and was told they could not and then (you guessed it) pitched a fit. Now my GE, who doesn't like to say no to anyone (unless you are a GSTL), is saying we can allow however many coupons we want if they guest wishes to use SCO because there is nothing written.

I think that while there is no physical limit, I think courtesy should dictate that if you want to be cray coupon guest take it through a real register so you don't hold up the line and keep the SCO team member occupied while they approve all of your coupons.


We do one/two is fine but you have a handful of coupons you are moving to a regular lane. Every coupon must be approved at SCO and its not fair to other guests who have issues come up. It's actually faster to let a cashier ring up your cart than you do it. Sorry there are no exceptions to this. AP-directive.
my store is just like "if you're at sco and the coupon is $1 or less and the POS took it just approve"
We do one/two is fine but you have a handful of coupons you are moving to a regular lane. Every coupon must be approved at SCO and its not fair to other guests who have issues come up. It's actually faster to let a cashier ring up your cart than you do it. Sorry there are no exceptions to this. AP-directive.
Which is exactly what me, and my other GSTL told our GE yesterday which got us nowhere. We still have to accept them if the guest wants to use SCO.
Which is exactly what me, and my other GSTL told our GE yesterday which got us nowhere. We still have to accept them if the guest wants to use SCO.
honestly it doesn't take that long. if the POS took it, and it's like a $1 it's not a big deal (that's how my store feels)
We just got 4 SCO's about 2 months ago now. For most of us, they are still pretty new. Coupons aren't a problem but that's always a guest question. If you ever have to watch these, the program should prompt you to check the coupons before the guest can pay (so educate guests to keep them handy until they are checked).

Our SCO cashier is expected to man all four and if anything happens, we expedite the guest to the closest lanes as the SCO will check them out. The most problematic issues are the program freezing (you can't print a suspend slip either), guests using checks/WIC/EBT (the system doesn't do these, apparently), split payments not printed in the order of the SCO binder (i.e. cash can't be used last, cash has to be used before) and of course repack stickers (I suppose it's a checking system and it doesn't have a set price anyway.) Our SCO does allow alcohol purchasing but asks for a login twice before asking for the guest's birthday.

We've caught several occasions of theft- some is the guest's card declining and just leaving if the SCO cashier is assisting someone else (and it's busy), a guy the other day did the whole covering the upc of a drone with another sticker- luckily the system kept scanning the S/N barcode, and a couple of times we have caught some early morning guests double stacking items like catfood and yogurt- luckily the couple really trained in cashiers saw it while assisting weight issues of the bagging and were oh so happy to take them to a register to check them out personally.

It does add 30-40 minutes to close if you don't have to do a lot of added steps- like adding change. And if one of your GSA's/GSTL's can't understand how to just add coins without resetting the beginning coin count every time you have fixed the coin counts- forget about it. It'll keep reading so many monies in the hoppers and won't be close to how much is in, causing them to try and dispense change with none in there. My advice to anyone responsible to closing them out, think of them as just a normal register and you are just verbalizing to the machine what you do to close it and get it ready for next shift.

Otherwise they are a breeze to use when you're trying to run outside for lunch.
Your store has a SCO item limit? That's definitely not brand.

Actually my last two stores did as well. Self checkout is supposed to be quick for people only getting a few items If guest have more than 15 items it will be quicker for a cashier to scan their items and keep SCO open.
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In a store with this layout, where would be the ideal place for self checkouts?

We're getting them soon, and the general consensus seems to be to put them on the guest services side, removing the cartwell and a checklane to make room. That way it'll be easier for the GSTL to be nearby, and it's in view of the service desk TM.

The lanes directly across from Guest service.
That store is a former greatland or super T. 6 lanes near both ends are common place. 4 more in the middle would be great.
There should always be an item limit at SCO...there is at grocery stores, there should be at Target. The point of SCO is quick in, quick out.
There's not at my grocery store. In fact, many people with large carts go through as it's quicker for people who know what they're doing.
There should always be an item limit at SCO...there is at grocery stores, there should be at Target. The point of SCO is quick in, quick out.
We have a limit at my grocery store. People still ignore it.
We have a limit at my grocery store. People still ignore it.
Yeah, some lady had a full cart and I asked her nicely to move to a lane. So when the SCO called for assistance becuase she was either too slow, too fast or not puting the items on the scale properly, I let her know after the second time that I was too busy to keep coming over. Sorry, not sorry. I swear it took her 30 minutes to check out at SCO. At one point she yelled out, "Are you coming over or not?" The machine has cleared by then. I said, "Why?' She was burned when she looked back over at the screen and nothing was wrong.
Yeah, some lady had a full cart and I asked her nicely to move to a lane. So when the SCO called for assistance becuase she was either too slow, too fast or not puting the items on the scale properly, I let her know after the second time that I was too busy to keep coming over. Sorry, not sorry. I swear it took her 30 minutes to check out at SCO. At one point she yelled out, "Are you coming over or not?" The machine has cleared by then. I said, "Why?' She was burned when she looked back over at the screen and nothing was wrong.

Ugh. This brings back bad memories of working for Meijer at the SCO. I hated it when people would bring large amounts of produce through the SCO... Stickers would fall off, so they would 1) call me over, which wouldn't save anytime or 2) go through the item lookup by picture non-sense.
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