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Know your product. I added a $100 Infinity Wars Lego set that a guest couldn’t find (not yet set on the floor by POG team, but street dated for that Sunday.). I knew what the guest was looking for, so I was able to look it up and pull it from the backroom.
They are on to you.I was asking the ETL who usually makes the schedule if I could get a few more hours. The answer I got was "You need to sell more." Now, mind you I'm the store's main CA and I work in hardlines. They were busy at the moment so I didn't get the chance to ask them WTF they were talking about.
Does anyone know how I can sell more working as a CA or in hardlines???
And how in the hell do "they" know when I "sell" something?
This shit is screwy as hell.
How do I sell???
Every large corporation has their version of Target-speak, or not-speak.
That is why this site is so valuable. I've told my ETLs things that I've learned here that they didn't even know.
How are you supposed to know about a product? For example, a guest asks me if this is a good vacuum? How do I know? I don't get to test the products. I don't get PAID time to read reviews. No one is assigned that area to be an expert. So extend this to butter. Is the Kerry butter better than regular butter? I don't know. We don't do samples anymore. But the commercial says so.
If someone happens to have tried it, great. But as far as selling, I can't recommend a product I haven't tried myself.
While I think you're just "venting".... and you don't really want a solution to your post; I'm going to give you one anyway:
You DO NOT need to "try" a product to be able to sell it. The answer lies in the "details". If your Guest is looking for vacuums, your goal is to find out what they "want" in a vacuum: the cost? is it bag-less? pick up pet hair? easy transition between floorings? ease w/ stairs? lightweight? As you quickly skim the "talking points" on the boxes, you'll narrow down the options for your Guest so she can make her selection. In the meantime, you've just educated yourself. You'll be able to use that education to help the next Guest, and the next, and the next, etc...
You don't have to be an expert vacuum salesman to help our Guests ...... because in about 20 minutes you're going to have to help a different Guest decide what dog food is best for their fur-baby.
While these are all good points, and I do this now, you'll notice I said if someone asked me if this was a GOOD vacuum, which is different than just reading to them off the box.
The problem is .... I've got a 12 hour POG I'm setting in baby food. I took the call in vacuums because there isn't anyone on the salesfloor because they are all up on lanes. If the guest is illiterate and can't read for themselves (after all, this is a self service store) than of course I'll sit them on my lap, feed them milk and cookies , and read to them.
If Target wants us to be salespeople, then they will have to support the time it takes to do this.
I do understand your point, and it is helpful advice.
But I've got 1000 jars of baby food to check dates on, since no one rotates it, so I really don't have time to play wet nurse to a 28 year old college educated bitch who can't be bothered to read for herself.
I just did a bunch of training on selling. Looks like target is gonna start really focusing on each TM "making that sale". But you're supposed to do it in a way that makes it look like you're not a "salesperson", but a friend who cares about the things you care about, and really wants you to buy this thing because it will make you happy.
First off when a boss answers someones request for hours with "You need to work harder, better, smarter, etc." which is essentially what we got here, that is a crap boss.
And this is right... Target isn’t willing to invest to actually make a selling culture! It just wants the appearance of having figured out its operations and store direction enough that now they can have TMs “selling” products. If this strategy was profitable, then yoh could add hours to your stores. If every hour of selling in cosmetics added $20 in profit, it would pay for the TM standing there and still get money into the store... the problem is that it does not, and Target knows it, so they cut hours to make it happen instead.
If they want their buildings like this, they need to figure out operations and add payroll into buildings incrementally... 100 hours at a time while installing knew workcenters that are being trained and specialized in product knowledge for departments... because each of these positions should be able to pay for themselves! If they feel so strongly in this selling strategy, then there shouldn’t be any problems for them to put their money where their mouths are.
By giving the guests direction to find the items they’re looking for fast is apart of *selling*? I tell them where and which aisle # since I know my store really well then they come up to checklanes really quick and say Thank you.
Not with this new culture they want. My store etl gave us the directions of walking the person to the tm in that designated department. Then that tm is tasked with not only selling the item they want but also forming a connection that leads to at least 3 to 5 attachments that meet up with that original product.
Example guest comes in for laundry soap. Tm in girls walks them to chemicals has the tm in chemicals talk with them about the item and creates a bond by asking about their home life, their day etc and then adds fabric softener, those washing machine cleaner things, and then walks them to c block and has the tm over there add a laundry basket and one of those net bags for bras.
This is how we were told they want our store ran. . .while doing the usual target crap. This is the primary reason we have lost almost all of our long term employees and why I am now week one into my back up job. Spot is outside its damned head if it thinks just throwing this crap on etls will create what they want without making the correct investmenf in the end goal. Its just not logical.
Tm walks guest to condoms. Asks about home life. Go....
Don’t forget sheets, pillows, etc.Yeah I only try upselling when someone's buying something expensive.
Furniture? I'll point out sliders.
Crib? I'll point out mattress.