Sell the kids for food Weather changes mood

Oct 16, 2019
Spring is here again
Reproductive glands
He's the one
Who like all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he don't know what it means
Don't know what it means
And I say
He's the one
Who like all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he don't know what it means
Don't know what it means
And I say yeah
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If you were marked non-rehireable, they wouldn't even know. Theres a new HR system, and the information in the old system isnt accessible. Unless the same people work there and remember, and care, then you'll be fine to re-apply.

Really, so hr or management can't look up your old file? What's this new HR system?
Thats what i hear alot on here anyway. I assume it must be true. I don't actually have first hand knowledge of it.
Really, so hr or management can't look up your old file? What's this new HR system?

The in store HR never could "look up" info on terminated (fired or quit) TMs. JAS would show you the term code. Hr has options when terming that give a 2 word reason for the term. It could be job abandon, misconduct, performance, never returned from fmla, etc. I'm assuming that is not in Workday, because the term reason shouldn't matter. If it was non rehirable, it should not be a discretion issue. Leaving it discretionary leads to systemic discrimination issues that could get the company sued.
I received my email today that I passed the background check, and previous employment check and am officially a Target employee again.

I quit/got fired in 2015. Basically quit and just didn't show up again, was almost certainly marked as nonerehireable for job abandonment, yet was able to be rehired 4 years later.

Your mileage may vary of course, but at the very least it's possible that they will give you another chance.

I applied at a different store, they asked why I was applying there instead of at my old store (since I still lived near both), and rejected my application after interviewing me.

I then reapplied at my old store, and that was where I was rehired.
I had a TM rehired earlier this year that physically assaulted a TL a few years ago at the same store and was termed. So basically as long as you don’t smack the taste out of someone’s mouth during your interview spot will take you back 🤷🏻‍♂️
Devil's advocate, he said he was threatened repeatedly and the same group of individuals tried repeatedly to strike him with a vehicle. I can't think of anyone who would remain super calm after such behavior repeatedly. All people at some point are going to get angry about several near misses by the same person and being threatened several times by the same person.
I have a friend who got fired from Target in 2017 and applied several times over the last 2 years. No one called her in for an interview until these HR system changes. She had an interview recently (not at the same store), passed the interviews, got an orientation date, and then was told they would not be continuing with the hiring process. She was pissed. I asked an HRTL and they agreed that it's likely they didn't see her non-rehireable status until very late in the process.
I have a friend who got fired from Target in 2017 and applied several times over the last 2 years. No one called her in for an interview until these HR system changes. She had an interview recently (not at the same store), passed the interviews, got an orientation date, and then was told they would not be continuing with the hiring process. She was pissed. I asked an HRTL and they agreed that it's likely they didn't see her non-rehireable status until very late in the process.

I remember you mentioning this in another thread. It actually concerned me as a result as I was anticipating a similar scenario after reading about her experience. Makes me wonder how her scenario differed from mine, unless my store did see that I was marked as nonrehireable and didn't care, whereas the store she applied to did care.
I basically did a job abandonment back in 2016 (long story short, I was going through a bad divorce and just couldn't handle a second job at the time), so I figured that I was non-rehirable, however, I just had an interview at a different store as a Seasonal GM and got hired on the spot. So, there's my experience, if it helps.
Some of the young folks have to realize a few things. Most management is young and inexperienced. Some are nervous, some are on a power trip. Thus comes into play the word "insubordination." What is defiance of authority? Think about it. The child manager is eager to grow, they are loaded with Kool Aid. If someone so much as poses a different way to do something, be it good or marginal, they can and most likely will view that as defiance because they know no better. Phi Delta Let's Drink Beer sorority or fraternity didn't teach them shit about life. Right there, you have instant INSUBORDINATION. Be careful, don't offer too much.
"When I was in HR with the JAS system, it used to tell us if a former team member was marked as rehirable or nonrehirable. When we terminate someone we still have to mark one of those options but when someone applies, their application doesn't say rehirable or not."

I was told this from someone on a dif site. This true???
I remember you mentioning this in another thread. It actually concerned me as a result as I was anticipating a similar scenario after reading about her experience. Makes me wonder how her scenario differed from mine, unless my store did see that I was marked as nonrehireable and didn't care, whereas the store she applied to did care.
It is at the sole discretion of the store whether you are rehired or not as a non-rehireable. If you got skills they need they will hire you
I basically did a job abandonment back in 2016 (long story short, I was going through a bad divorce and just couldn't handle a second job at the time), so I figured that I was non-rehirable, however, I just had an interview at a different store as a Seasonal GM and got hired on the spot. So, there's my experience, if it helps.
Did you indicate that you were employed at a Target prior (the one you abandoned) in your application with the new Target?
I pretended to be Gregg Steinhafel for several years.

Does anyone know if that will affect my employment possibilities?

Ideally I'd be focused on a cashier role, but if something in the C-Suite opens up, I'd consider that.

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