Oct 22, 2021
So a few weeks back we had a huge double truck and all leaders from every area were involved with trying to get this pushed to the floor as efficiently and safely as possible.
We had a lot of team members working on the floor pushing this product out.
I made a verbal call to some of the team members to prioritize one area of push over another. After I did this one of the Service & Engagement team leaders nearby interrupted me and asked me why I wanted them to do this and what I was talking about...I explained briefly, then the SETL said in front of the team "No we're going to do this I'm making the call here sorry..." And the team looked confused and just did what she said.
I'm a GMTL so I thought I had priority here as this was a GM area I was giving direction for. I didn't want to escalate the situation so I didn't say anything.
However I felt this was a very bad call to override my direction as another TL since we're both TL's in a GM area and in front of all the team members?!?
I think the appropriate action would have been to let me finish my direction and if they didn't like it talk to me on the side so we could discuss it instead of just straight up in front of everyone saying "No this is what we're gonna do".
I feel that makes the team have less respect for me like my direction doesn't mean anything...
What would you guys have done in this situation?
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I definitely would have pulled the TL to the side and explained how you felt about the situation. And asked them why they made that call and also let them know they were overstepping their bounds. If leaders are there to help they should be doing what you tell them, it's your process to run, your workcenters and you are the one who will be held accountable for results. This is like if the SETL called for guest first and then you went up there and started directing guest traffic without them asking you to. If they actually thought you made a bad call and could explain why they thought it was a bad decision they should have challenged you in private/in person, not over walkie or in front of team members.
The SETL was in the wrong 100%. It'd be like everyone coming up to help the front end and you telling only your team that they don't need to ring like the SETL said, they're better off sorting reshop. You know your area and the SETL should respect that. Your area is literally considered YOUR "business".

IMO, I wouldn't even bother with the SETL again in terms of having the off-stage chat. I would first go directly to my own ETL, explain (because I'm sure they'd be curious anyway why the prioritized push wasn't completed) and then after that request the off-stage chat with the dept ETL's and maybe even HR present. I'm all about CYA though. (Cover Your Ass). And that other TL seems like they'd do some shady shit if they didn't get their own way.

Yeah, I'm old and retail-jaded lol. Don't trust anyone. 🤣😒
I dont spend hours prepping and planning to have someone come to my area and tell me or my team what to do. They may suggest or ask but in the end its my call. If they want to change it have the sd or my etl tell me. I would definitely be having an unpleasant conversation with them asap with my etl or there etl, preferably both.
I dont spend hours prepping and planning to have someone come to my area and tell me or my team what to do. They may suggest or ask but in the end its my call. If they want to change it have the sd or my etl tell me. I would definitely be having an unpleasant conversation with them asap with my etl or there etl, preferably both.
Yeah I got with the SE ETL, they brought it to the SD.

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