Setting transition. Best to update SFQ before pulling batch or after pulling and pushing?

Jun 15, 2020
Title. IMO, doing after will result in a more accurate count, but doing it before will mean possibly pulling less backstock.. What do you guys/girls think???

I'm leaning towards after.
Sadly though fixing the capacities and SFQ while the pull was already made doesn't delete the item from the pull. 🥺

Are you sure? Because I have created a pull before, then updated SFQ/SFC and watched the pull get smaller as I went along. But that was in MyWork though so maybe that's the difference?
Are you sure? Because I have created a pull before, then updated SFQ/SFC and watched the pull get smaller as I went along. But that was in MyWork though so maybe that's the difference?
Definitely. With the TV wall we set all the floor TVs to 0 so we can flex whatever ones we actually have at the time. The new POG reset the capacities and they all started pulling. When I noticed I went through and changed them back to 0, but alas they were still in the batch and I had to go through and burn about 10 of them.
Sometimes, I feel like a can't win on this question. I do like to pull the product first so I have it while making adjustments for what fits where.

Usually end up adjusting capacity after I find out what really fits. Last sales planner I did had crazy capacities (90 when it was really only 18) but we didn't have anywhere near that much product, so I didn't end up with a boat load of back stock.