Archived SFQ...Supremely Foolish Quest?

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As far as why it pulled two? The Backroom Team Member must have done that...the system would NOT ask for 2 if the SF capacity is 1. will not ever happen. You WILL see this with full case packs of merchandise as well...the system knows that 2 Tide of the 4 in the box can fit on the shelf, so it asks for 2 from the Backroom; since it is a full case pack though, the Backroom pulls all 4.

That's not entirely true. If there is no openstock in the backroom, then yes, we have to pull a casepack. But the system tells us to pull the entire casepack regardless of whether or not all the eaches will actually fit on the sales floor.

So if one cooler will fit on the floor but we have no openstock, the batch takes us to a casestock location and asks for two eaches (the entire casepack) rather than just one from the box. NO WIRE HANGERS PARTIAL CASEPACKS!

I've run into a handful of exceptions in bulk and P-Fresh, but I think either there were errors or the locations were profiled funny.
TMforever I'm sorry but you're wrong. Just the other day I pulled two open stock of a toy that had a capacity of 1 and we had at least 3 OH.
I only update something if I'm sending t to backstock too. I make sure the capacity and SFQ are right, then I send it to backstock.
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