Archived SFQ

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Is there a detailed guide on workbench for how this works? Not just how to do it on a mydevice, but technical details about how it affects replenishment, backstocking, etc.

My ETL tried telling me that if the capacity for an item is too high and some of the item from a CAF gets sent back to be backstocked because of it, backstocking that item will adjust the capacity.

That just doesn't sound right...
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It's not terribly detailed but there is a roll out guide or two that talks about how it affects logistics processes.
Is there a detailed guide on workbench for how this works? Not just how to do it on a mydevice, but technical details about how it affects replenishment, backstocking, etc.

My ETL tried telling me that if the capacity for an item is too low and some of the item from a CAF gets sent back to be backstocked because of it, backstocking that item will adjust the capacity.

That just doesn't sound right...
With this new rollout there are 4 numbers to know:
On floor
In back
On hand

If you're not in research, changing capacities and on floors will never change on hands. To see your on hand count you will need to toggle to item info by tapping the item description up top.
If you are in research, updating floor counts will directly affect on hand counts. On hand is usually displayed on screen without toggling to item info.
My question to my ETL and TL was how are we supposed to know what's been loaded onto the truck? The OH and the (BRQ+SFQ) may or may not be the same. If there is a discrepency our rollout pack says to check pull vehicles, reshop, and backstock. We have had a couple of instances where the items we were looking for arrived on the truck the next day. How do we know WHEN to zero something out? I had many OH with zero backroom/zero salesfloor when researching freezer today. The freezer was completely backstocked and I'm pretty confident it wasn't in reshop. I really did not want to zero them out and did not, deciding to revisit tomorrow.
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My question to my ETL and TL was how are we supposed to know what's been loaded onto the truck? The OH and the (BRQ+SFQ) may or may not be the same. If there is a discrepency our rollout pack says to check pull vehicles, reshop, and backstock. We have had a couple of instances where the items we were looking for arrived on the truck the next day. How do we know WHEN to zero something out? I had many OH with zero backroom/zero salesfloor when researching freezer today. The freezer was completely backstocked and I'm pretty confident it wasn't in reshop. I really did not want to zero them out and did not, deciding to revisit tomorrow.
When this happens do you check the last received date and auto pull date and stuff? If the dates are far off and you're positive you've looked everywhere just zero it out. Even if it actually does turn up later somewhere, it's pointless to keep on hand counts if it's not out on the floor being sold. Zero it out so you get some more. If counts go negative, they reset with the next receipt.
When this happens do you check the last received date and auto pull date and stuff? If the dates are far off and you're positive you've looked everywhere just zero it out. Even if it actually does turn up later somewhere, it's pointless to keep on hand counts if it's not out on the floor being sold. Zero it out so you get some more. If counts go negative, they reset with the next receipt.
We just started this yesterday (and actually aren't scheduled to start until next week, but we're "getting a head start". This was my thought, too, but thought I'd see what turns up tomorrow. Today was a SNAFU day, so did not check those dates. I will tomorrow (unless, of course, it's a usual SNAFU).
So far SFQ at my store is doing well. That is, until flow fucks everything up by cramming shit so full that it's hanging off the shelf, falling to the floor, ignoring any logic whatsoever. I'll never understand piling shit up like that. It looks horrible.
We only change the SFQ, not the OH. The SFQ number is one of the factors in the OH.
I guess I should have specified, in research mode you aren't supposed to change SFQ if there are on hands. So if there is 0 on the sales floor, none in back but 123 on hands, you can't zero it out. Basically those on hands are unaccounted for they can be staged, in reshop etc. At some point someone has to go looking for the unaccounted items and account for them! I don't see how this process allows for that.
I guess I should have specified, in research mode you aren't supposed to change SFQ if there are on hands. So if there is 0 on the sales floor, none in back but 123 on hands, you can't zero it out. Basically those on hands are unaccounted for they can be staged, in reshop etc. At some point someone has to go looking for the unaccounted items and account for them! I don't see how this process allows for that.
Our store's answer to this is no more unlocated transition pallets in the steel. Everything must be backstocked.
I need to know the best way on how to deal with something in the new system. Let's say that I deep-zone a freezer aisle. I backstock the stuff using a MyDevice. I then fix the counts on the entire aisle with said MyDevice. This will prevent the backstock from being re-pulled because the counts update in real time, correct?
I need to know the best way on how to deal with something in the new system. Let's say that I deep-zone a freezer aisle. I backstock the stuff using a MyDevice. I then fix the counts on the entire aisle with said MyDevice. This will prevent the backstock from being re-pulled because the counts update in real time, correct?
Things are pulled when the "On the floor" counts don't add up to the total available capacity. So as long as there's enough on the floor to satisfy that requirement, the backstock shouldn't come back out until its needed

Unrelated, but is there any way to interact with the new system with a PDA instead of a MyDevice? I get put in charge of pushing truck pfresh most mornings, and I'd like to be able to fix the capacities as I go, seeing as no one else has yet.
(I had to pull a ton of dairy and leave it in a corner of the cooler with a note telling people not to backstock it...)
Things are pulled when the "On the floor" counts don't add up to the total available capacity. So as long as there's enough on the floor to satisfy that requirement, the backstock shouldn't come back out until its needed

But my main question is the time between the backstock and the time when I actually update the count. I'm worried that when I backstock the item, it'll be added to a batch and won't get removed when I update the count
But my main question is the time between the backstock and the time when I actually update the count. I'm worried that when I backstock the item, it'll be added to a batch and won't get removed when I update the count
I'm fairly sure the count updates are pretty much immediate, so as long as you change the counts sometime before a batch drops, you should be good
Being on Plano, I'll do my part with updating SFQ, but I'm glad I can shave time off my day from backstocking without SUBT999. 😀
I'll do SFQ stuff whenever I get the chance. Instocks is planning a blitz here soon so if I mess up it'll get fixed, but it helps out so much with the CAFs...
Doing massive quantities of SFQ adjusting is mind numbing. I'd rather write sentences on a chalkboard...
Being on Plano, I'll do my part with updating SFQ, but I'm glad I can shave time off my day from backstocking without SUBT999. 😀
It's great that subt9999 isn't necessary anymore...but you still get regurgitated backstock if the on floor count is off. Basically the fix for regurgitated back stocked moved from being a burden on logistics processes through subt9999 to a burden on sales floor processes through updating sfq.

What's gonna be annoying is going back to change capacities again every time pog team touches an aisle.
It's great that subt9999 isn't necessary anymore...but you still get regurgitated backstock if the on floor count is off. Basically the fix for regurgitated back stocked moved from being a burden on logistics processes through subt9999 to a burden on sales floor processes through updating sfq.

What's gonna be annoying is going back to change capacities again every time pog team touches an aisle.
The burden is still on backroom...they just have less control over it. Because salesfloor can work out a CAF, say "oh this won't fit so I'll just send back" without having to do much extra work besides walking to the SF location(s). Maybe they will change the capacity or maybe they will decide they don't have time.

BR still has to constantly pull and backstock the same damn item until someone finally corrects the capacity.
The burden is still on backroom...they just have less control over it. Because salesfloor can work out a CAF, say "oh this won't fit so I'll just send back" without having to do much extra work besides walking to the SF location(s). Maybe they will change the capacity or maybe they will decide they don't have time.

BR still has to constantly pull and backstock the same damn item until someone finally corrects the capacity.

But there's little to no motivation for sales floor not to change capacity. It creates more work for us as well, as we have to go to the location and check. Assuming they're not lazy asses, that is.
Spent much of my day running the 7 tubs of chemi. If the flow team would comprehend the difference between HE and regular detergents, would have been a huge help with this process.
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