Should females apply for AP position?

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Apr 30, 2017
with the growing crime rate in America and an increase in shoplifting incidents, should females take on the role of AP?
The reason I ask is, females tend to be emotional and unrealistically suspicious of men. Would a female AP be prone to gender discriminating men, and would that give an advantage to the female shoplifters?
So you say that women tend to "gender discriminate" against men, while questioning the ability and ethics of a woman, simply because she's a woman, in an AP role? Women are "emotional" so they couldn't possibly do their job effectively? What does that even mean? Do you even hear yourself?
please go back under your bridge.
Do we really need multiple threads of the same topic? women can apply for an AP position and be just fine, question answered.
Otra vez? How many of these threads will be made?
with the growing crime rate in America and an increase in shoplifting incidents, should females take on the role of AP?
The reason I ask is, females tend to be emotional and unrealistically suspicious of men. Would a female AP be prone to gender discriminating men, and would that give an advantage to the female shoplifters?

No one thinks you are funny
One every day until someone finally gets an answer they are satisfied with.

I'm going to start one asking if short people can be AP.
Should I ask if walmart employees can be target AP?
Absolutely not. Women should be seen on not heard. They shouldn't show any skin and only wear various shades of gray and black. The fact they're even allowed outdoors is a travesty. I've been considering purchasing a few women to do some chores around the house, but who knows if they could even perform those simple tasks. I don't want to work with anyone who doesn't have a huge veiny cock.
For every female AP you employee, you miss an opportunity to employee this.
Absolutely not. Women should be seen on not heard. They shouldn't show any skin and only wear various shades of gray and black. The fact they're even allowed outdoors is a travesty. I've been considering purchasing a few women to do some chores around the house, but who knows if they could even perform those simple tasks. I don't want to work with anyone who doesn't have a huge veiny cock.
No one thinks you are funny
I don't know "any one" and I don't give a F, thanks for reading the Fing post anyways, that's like 10 sec of your life I HAVE WASTED!
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