Should I be worried about my shot at a TL role?

Lol this sounds like such a crock of crap to get you to shut up about it. Don't you think if they already have the TM lined up for the front end position in which the leader hasn't even left yet that they'd have someone lined up for the position you want already too? Especially considering this person has already announced and maybe by now already gone?

The promoting in pairs sounds so idiotic I don't even know where to start. But I'll say this, what if there is one TL opening and no one leaves for a year or 2? Does that person just have to wait until there is another TL opening to get promoted?

If I were in your situation, I'd read between the lines and realize that I am not getting this position. If you are at the point in which you are in denial about every bit of feedback that everyone on this forum has given you, take it as a sign.

Take it all as a learning experience, just because you don't get this promotion doesn't mean you won't ever get one. Take the feedback and suggestions from everyone in this thread and use it to your advantage. Also don't throw hissy fits and throw equipment, if that's true you are lucky to have a job. I termed someone years ago for the exact same thing.
Our departing GM leader is still here and he himself said that he doesn't know who's going to be filling his role. I mentioned all of this in my OP. That's why it helps to read and pay attention, sweetheart.

And yes, our store has let certain TL roles hang in the air for a while. Our third GM role (the one given to the 19 year old) was left unfilled for a while simply because nobody at our store expressed interest and our store doesn't approach TM's about roles. At our store, it's always on the basis of the TM making the first move.
Our departing GM leader is still here and he himself said that he doesn't know who's going to be filling his role. I mentioned all of this in my OP. That's why it helps to read and pay attention, sweetheart.

And yes, our store has let certain TL roles hang in the air for a while. Our third GM role (the one given to the 19 year old) was left unfilled for a while simply because nobody at our store expressed interest and our store doesn't approach TM's about roles. At our store, it's always on the basis of the TM making the first move.
Well sweet heart I'm sure even if your departing GMTL knew who was replacing him that they'd be sworn to secrecy and I'm sure they wouldn't be the one to break the news to you that you aren't under consideration. I didn't mention it because I figured it went without saying and others had mentioned it.
Well sweet heart I'm sure even if your departing GMTL knew who was replacing him that they'd be sworn to secrecy and I'm sure they wouldn't be the one to break the news to you that you aren't under consideration. I didn't mention it because I figured it went without saying and others had mentioned it.
Not true. I’ve worked here seven years and we’ve had instances of Leaders announcing their departure and immediately knowing who’ll be taking their place.

I have never understood why companies (not just Target) don't announce potential job opportunities especially to fill a vacancy.

Instead they either just pick someone that will take the job at the last minute,

If they are already working there you should interview anyone that is currently an employee. You would only have to talk to them for 30 minutes.
Okay. I'm going to jump in here because I've been watching this for a bit. I'm not store side but supply chain. But I'm someone who started as a TM and was promoted to an OM (ETL) and also helped others become promoted as either OMs or to our new lead roles that we finally rolled out in stores DCs. So I may not have experience store side but I think I can speak as someone who's gotten people somewhere they want to go.

I'm going to be brutally honest and transparent, from what I've seen in this thread I would never promote you.

First, talking down about other leaders and peers in your building. I get it, Target sucks, there's tons of stupid things we do, ASANTS and all the rest. Guess what? I have a team of about 150 people and 4 leads reporting to me and I've got about 90 of them just like you who constantly complain about status quo. I don't need more and I don't need someone who in a leadership role is going to complain about their subordinates, peers, leaders etc. I need someone who's going to tell me what's wrong and tell me what they are doing to fix it. My best lead and TMs are the ones who go out recognize problems and try to fix them. And if/when they mess up they don't say "well so and so is an idiot and did x y and z wrong so I didn't do my job." They say "we did this wrong and next time we're going to try this to avoid it". That's what your leadership wants to see. Problem solving. Also the whole tossing your equipment in a tantrum, shows me you can't handle stress well and guess what being a leader at Target is? Being stressed from the moment you walk in the door until you go home.

Second, stop comparing yourself to others. I have had 6 partners in my department ranging from the ages of 22 to 60. The worst one was the 60 year old who couldn't run a department to save their life despite 20+ years of WHS management experience and got fired. And the best one? The 22 year old. They're young and inexperienced, but they've got a good head on their shoulders and ask the right questions to understand their business and what moves they need to make to get better. I'll probably be reporting to the kid someday, they're that good and they'll have earned it. Me at 22? I was an arrogant entitled shithead who had to learn the hard way I don't know everything. Age means nothing. Who cares that the other lead is only 19. She might just be better at the job than you. Learn from it and be better.

Third, you better hope to god no one ever finds out you want to be a lead so you can date another lead. That might be the worst reason for wanting more responsibility that I've ever heard. If you want to date than just transfer stores or quit. Otherwise if anyone on your leadership team finds out I doubt you'll ever get promoted.

You may need to take some time to reevaluate on why you want to be a TL because it sounds like you're doing it for all the wrong reasons and you're setting yourself up for failure.
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I am going to get it. Then I'm going to screenshot all of these comments telling me that I'm not going to get and then I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off.
To spot, a leader is a process manager. They don't give one single shit whether or not you inspire people to do better, or whether you foster an environment on your team of collective success. We know this because they have no metrics for it. As long as the work is being done spot does not care how or to what level of sustainability this is accomplished. They will simply replace you when the work stops being accomplished.

I sent this to you a few months ago where you sent me a crotchety ass response about being bitter.

Can you tell me now after working your ass off for two months with nothing to show for it how that's working out for you? Doesn't look like very well. The only people laughing here are us. At you.

Good luck friend, I hope you can learn to see advice given for what it is and create some success in the future.
What a bunch of shit.

Today I went into work and saw that we’ve just hired a new GMTL and they completely passed me up.
I am going to get it. Then I'm going to screenshot all of these comments telling me that I'm not going to get and then I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off.
What happened to this?

Do I get laugh my fucking ass off now?

I guess everyone else was right and you were wrong. I suggest you take the advice of everyone in this thread and use it to learn from and become a leader.
What happened to this?

Do I get laugh my fucking ass off now?

I guess everyone else was right and you were wrong. I suggest you take the advice of everyone in this thread and use it to learn from and become a leader.
Okay, I’m going to seriously ask for advice right now.

What do I do here? I asked for a conversation with my GM ETL about it and she basically said that the district lead gave us this new guy to fill the GM TL role and that they didn’t really know about it beforehand or have much of a say in it, which I don’t buy.

She also told me that I’m simply not ready to lead a team. I rebutted by saying that they chose a 19 year old kid as a leader and she said that the 19 year old has qualities in leadership that they appreciate. When I asked her to elaborate on said qualities, she actually begin stammering over her words and then just said that the store’s reasons for promoting certain people are none of my business, which basically confirms to me that there’s a lot more going on with this 19 year old than her simply just being a good leader.

My GM ETL told me that she still wants to develop me and get me ready for leadership. She says that she’s planning on having me work evening shifts and helping our closing TL “own the closing team members”.

I’m just really upset and disappointed in all of this. She claims that she still wants to develop me and she’s urging patience on my part, but I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve been working here for seven years and I’m tired of seeing the everyone else excel past me and there’s obviously no predicting when a new role will open up. What’s my next move?
If the district lead handed them someone and said "here is your new GMTL" then there isn't a damn thing anyone in your store can do. Even if they were 1000% sure they were promoting internally if the DSD comes out of left field and says they're hiring this person then they are. Period. That's just the chain of command.

It really sounds like she gave you the direct answer as to why you didn't get the job - you're simply not ready to lead a team. If your behavior here and on Reddit is any indication, I'd say they're right. If you REALLY want to be a TL, then they're most certainly waiting for you to overhaul your attitude and mature. Maturity has nothing to do with age, it's all your behavior/how you act.

With this new GMTL, if I were you, I'd be incredibly respectful and helpful. I'd be going above and beyond to prove to everyone that I am the type of leader they want - which means no outbursts, no tantrums, no unprovable accusations, etc. Control your temper.

Keep working hard while working on improving how you act and how you treat other people - especially your leaders and other co-workers. You've spent a lot of time with Target. If you're frustrated with how you're being treated and don't feel they're doing what is right, then you need to leave and find a job that will treat you the way you're looking to be treated.
Throwing your zebra down in anger left a bad taste in that leader's mouth. Even if they aren't there anymore, word likely spread and that impression is hard to erase.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere also knows that the REAL reason you want to be a leader is to date another leader. Worst reason to seek a promotion ever dude.

Despite the obvious flaws in your reasoning and approach, you do not come across as a dumb person, so...what do YOU think is the problem? Has anything that anyone online said made any sense to you?
Reading between the lines, if you want a leadership position anytime soon, or likely ever, you will need to go elsewhere to find it. Your store leadership has already told you that they feel that you are not ready to lead a team. They may carrot dangle and use you to do TL work for TM pay, stringing you along for as long as it is advantageous to them, without ever feeling that you are ready. Spot seems to be very good at that “Why buy the cow when the milk is free” type of thing, and if you have ever done anything that would put you on management’s sh*t list, be advised that Spot has a long memory, details of which are passed to new leaders so that you will likely never get off of it.
On the other hand, if you go to a new company, you will start with a clean slate and will just need to project a positive attitude to maintain it.
Okay, I’m going to seriously ask for advice right now.

What do I do here? I asked for a conversation with my GM ETL about it and she basically said that the district lead gave us this new guy to fill the GM TL role and that they didn’t really know about it beforehand or have much of a say in it, which I don’t buy.

She also told me that I’m simply not ready to lead a team. I rebutted by saying that they chose a 19 year old kid as a leader and she said that the 19 year old has qualities in leadership that they appreciate. When I asked her to elaborate on said qualities, she actually begin stammering over her words and then just said that the store’s reasons for promoting certain people are none of my business, which basically confirms to me that there’s a lot more going on with this 19 year old than her simply just being a good leader.

My GM ETL told me that she still wants to develop me and get me ready for leadership. She says that she’s planning on having me work evening shifts and helping our closing TL “own the closing team members”.

I’m just really upset and disappointed in all of this. She claims that she still wants to develop me and she’s urging patience on my part, but I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve been working here for seven years and I’m tired of seeing the everyone else excel past me and there’s obviously no predicting when a new role will open up. What’s my next move?
The dtl can put a tl in stores. This is common. He could have had someone on the bench in another store. He could have been contacted by another dtl with a tl moving and needing a store in your district.
Unless you’ve been given opportunities to LEAD teams, you aren’t being developed for a tl role and you aren’t ready.
As I said before. This is bigger than just working with your etl. The etl has NO SAY. if you truly want developed to be a tl you HAVE to talk with your SD.
My advice is to stop worrying about what other people are doing and what other people are accomplishing and be happy for them. Having a negative attitude seems to be your biggest weakness. They will not promote you if you won't get along with all the other leaders.
Lastly, it us very possible your DSD had someone in mind for a promotion or was able to poach them from another company and basically hand it to your SD.
Stop worrying about this 19 year old. Stop worrying about being there for 7 years amd thinking you deserve ut because there are probably another 1000 candidates just luke you around the company. I understand your frustration as it took me 3 years to get promoted and i honestly regret waiting that long and not looking elsewhere harder.
Okay, I’m going to seriously ask for advice right now.

What do I do here? I asked for a conversation with my GM ETL about it and she basically said that the district lead gave us this new guy to fill the GM TL role and that they didn’t really know about it beforehand or have much of a say in it, which I don’t buy.

She also told me that I’m simply not ready to lead a team. I rebutted by saying that they chose a 19 year old kid as a leader and she said that the 19 year old has qualities in leadership that they appreciate. When I asked her to elaborate on said qualities, she actually begin stammering over her words and then just said that the store’s reasons for promoting certain people are none of my business, which basically confirms to me that there’s a lot more going on with this 19 year old than her simply just being a good leader.

My GM ETL told me that she still wants to develop me and get me ready for leadership. She says that she’s planning on having me work evening shifts and helping our closing TL “own the closing team members”.

I’m just really upset and disappointed in all of this. She claims that she still wants to develop me and she’s urging patience on my part, but I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve been working here for seven years and I’m tired of seeing the everyone else excel past me and there’s obviously no predicting when a new role will open up. What’s my next move?
Your ETL has zero responsibility to explain the hiring choices to you. ZERO. You are not owed an explanation about anyone else in your building, and it would be extremely unprofessional for them to compare and contrast with you.

If you can’t understand why someone else may have been chosen you do not understand leadership well enough to earn a promotion. It shows that you are unable to be unbiased and treat your team fairly. You are unable to realize others have strengths that may be different from your own but are no less valuable.

No surprise you didn’t get an interview. You’re not ready.
Your ETL has zero responsibility to explain the hiring choices to you. ZERO. You are not owed an explanation about anyone else in your building, and it would be extremely unprofessional for them to compare and contrast with you.

If you can’t understand why someone else may have been chosen you do not understand leadership well enough to earn a promotion. It shows that you are unable to be unbiased and treat your team fairly. You are unable to realize others have strengths that may be different from your own but are no less valuable.

No surprise you didn’t get an interview. You’re not ready.
Well, I've decided that I'm at least going to tell my ETL that I'm not longer interested in leadership. Might as well start looking for a new company to work for while I'm at it.
Well, I've decided that I'm at least going to tell my ETL that I'm not longer interested in leadership. Might as well start looking for a new company to work for while I'm at it.

I would hold off on doing that for at least a month. If you change your mind you’ve already burned that bridge and it’ll take you another year to get back to where you are today. Let yourself cool off before you make that decision.
I would hold off on doing that for at least a month. If you change your mind you’ve already burned that bridge and it’ll take you another year to get back to where you are today. Let yourself cool off before you make that decision.
What else am I suppose to do? They’re obviously not serious about developing and promoting me. They’re just going to keep dumping extra workload on me under the guise of development, but they’re clearly not putting in the effort to give me a shot at actually leading a team.

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