Archived Show Up To Work and...SURPRISE!! You're on LOA!!!

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Jun 6, 2014
Hello my Fast, Fun, and Friendly Family!!

I showed up to work today at 4 am to work to help backstock Plano's mess from the Market POGs and to train a new TM in Instocks. When I keyed in my # at the timeclock I received a loud "BEEP...BEEP!" with a message saying my EMPL Number is NOT recognized. Naturally, thinking I keyed in a wrong number, I keyed in my number again and o the same result.

I called the LOD over and she tried to over ride the prompt by keying in her code after my number. And it wouldn't let her over ride the timeclock. I asked her to check the daily and see if I was scheduled and she said I wasn't on the daily, BUT the printed schedule showed me working today. When she checked MAX it said I was "Undefined"!!

Long story short, she told me to called Hewwitt and sure enough, according to Hewwitt, I am on LOA!!!! What The....?!!?

Has anyone experienced the same thing?
Umm that isn't your problem its their problem if you didn't request an LOA.

Yep I have done two LOA's both fucked up.. One was incorrect dates the other vanished into thin air. A vacation where I had to spend a day screaming at idiots on the phone, the other even more screaming since I was dealing with a death in the family and I was the only one left who could deal with her affairs.

If you didn't request one, its they can't type or read a computer screen when the info was put into the system. So I bet someone who thinks they should be on leave isn't.
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We had this happen to a cashier about a month ago. Hewitt just randomly made her LOA. It took about a week to straighten out, which meant she had to use a GSTL numbers to cashier and had her paycheck delayed while it was straightened out. Luckily, she wasn't someone who worked for the money, or it could have really been a problem in the interim.
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