Archived Sitting in on ETL Meeting?

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Going off of Best Practice - The ETL meetings should not have the SrTL's in it. Any communication they need to know should be shared with them afterwards. Just because several stores include them doesn't mean it's the right thing to do per BP. Feel free to look it up on workbench, I've already fought this battle before.
Going off of Best Practice - The ETL meetings should not have the SrTL's in it. Any communication they need to know should be shared with them afterwards. Just because several stores include them doesn't mean it's the right thing to do per BP. Feel free to look it up on workbench, I've already fought this battle before.

Just another BP that is not followed. We had an ETL meeting today. Sr's were asked to leave when we had to talk about their peers. It's truly not a big deal....just ask any DTL.
No, it's not a big deal - I'm simply stating from BP and have had to use it for my 'defense'. The Sr's at my store sit in on it every week. Originally they were allowed to sit in during ETL contribution and succession planning, that didn't take too terribly long to change. Then they wanted TLs to listen for LOD calls during the meeting, that took a while to get changed. Now they either listen to the walkie in the meeting or don't go.
My store doesn't have any Sr.TLs (least on dayside), so a SFTL would usually listen for LOD calls.
All our ETLs and SrTLs are in on the meeting until after about the first two hours, when the SrTLs are dismissed. During that time, their walkies are turned off/ignored and the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves and ignore each other's pleas for help for back up, carts, guest assistance, etc. I hate working Monday afternoons.
Yup, thats where you go knock on the conference room door, and say "excuse me, but the store is falling apart!" See if that gets em going lol.
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