Archived small problem with leadership in our store...

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My ETL-HR seems to be everyone's favorite LOD. He tends to be forgetful sometimes (usually with HR stuff), but everyone likes him a lot. A couple weekends ago, he back-up cashed a lot because we didn't have enough cashiers scheduled.
my ETLS are pretty hands on which is nice.

our ETL-HR has improved immensely since they started over a year ago too, very helpful now :]
Say "GSTL/GSA needs assistance at 239. LOD, please respond." Then say it again, ending it with "second request." Then say it again, ending with "final request." If they still haven't responded yet, then say "GSTL/GSA needs assistance at 239. Last request incomplete! LOD, please respond!" over and over until they answer. But you have to say all of it in the Indyme lady's voice.

I love this, probably way more than I should! ^_^ As the Operator, I end up saying similar things to this when people aren't answering their calls or responding to other pages that aren't really up to me to deal with (hah). I usually get at least a few chuckles. I especially enjoy ending a page with, "and Electronics, please don't forget line 33. Sadface."
I'm convinced my ETL HR would not come out of his office even if it was on fire. He's a great guy but very uninvolved with anything else in the store. Even my STL complains about it.
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