Archived Snacks In The Break Room

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being at a super target, i feel a bit luckier. most food near its time that can't be sold, including damaged, goes into the breakroom. heavy on keeping beverages in the breakroom. food ave typically puts qmosd food into the breakroom (which i think is fair versus the amount of waste FA typically produces, we used to use the left overs as REDcard/service drivers... but it still ended with a lot of food being wasted).

we've had talks about giving away too much from FA, if it becomes expected... yet the times i've seen TM's in need be able to get a pizza for dinner makes me put any thoughts aside. its been the right thing to do and TM's have been grateful for it.

we typically plan FFF every friday with some type of food planned, even if its just hot dogs or PB&j in the breakroom for TM's. holidays/events cater from panda. we tried el polo loco recently and it was a mess, no one wanted to eat the chicken after it had been out a short while, a ton went to waste.

the halloween candy bit makes me laugh 😛 i can't imagine anyone upfront dosent know of the wave of destroyed Halloween candy at service desk... its almost sickening.
The eff does chintzed mean?
Chintz is a cotton fabric - usually florals/paisley - with a shiny finish.
Commonly found in drapes, sofas, etc at your great-grandmother's house.
It was considered a cheap fabric because it was thin but easily dyed for various prints.
Hence, if someone was 'chintzy', they were considered cheap.
For black Thurs, we had a "make your own deli sandwich" with rolls, a deli meat platter, etc. with soda. For Friday, pizza was delivered continuously through the night. November and december, we have FFF meals in the break room a few times a week, and outside of the holidays we have a few a month. We get pizza if we hit conversion or go a certain time without a TM injury.

My Target has the same problem with food sitting out, and no food being left/food isn't even being made until our shift is over (flow). You would think someone would step up and take a minute of their time, and put it in the fridge. We have two of them...
Overnight here. We hardly get anything. Going on 2500 days without a injury too. We used to get pizza once or twice a month but those days are long gone. Usually we get to come in and see dayside got food catered from a outside restaurant, with the scraps that were left over sitting out all day.

Thanks. But no thanks.
today when i came in... i helped a tl carry in three boxes full of pancakes and sausage from mcdonalds.. for no reason really. we always have food in the break room. one day when we had two trucks come in and a bunch of us volunteered to come in at 2am they bought us an enormous amount of food. i really believe i just work at an awesome target though
With one ETL HR we had a constant stream of food. 100 boxes of Tastykakes, pizza every week or twice a week, McDonalds dollar menu days (both breakfast and lunch, at least $500 worth), grilling, breakfast days, taco days, soul food, of course pb and jelly, dunkin donuts, etc. etc. I really don't know how we used to afford all that, even in 2011.
The free food bribing has begun at my store. Today, we had waffles, fruit, donuts, and an omelette bar.

The clueless execs had just started setting it up around 8am when I went back to the break room for my first break. They were very surprised when the Flow TL told them that flow comes in at 6am...not 4.

So they made the flow TMs wait another hour for their break while everything was cooking, and they began discussing how they could spin it as a positive thing...
At my store they would have stopped the preparation. Can't let that flow team eat too. Need to save more for the day team. Just like whenever delivered food just happens to come right after the 4am team leaves. Never before.
Feed Meeeeeeee!!!!
Friday we had a local Italian restaurant chain deliver a bunch of pasta and salad for everyone, and our STL thought ahead and had them deliver about ten minutes before close Thursday night so the flow team had stuff when they arrived at 3:30 am. Course, that meant everyone had to eat cold pasta for the whole day...
Friday we had a local Italian restaurant chain deliver a bunch of pasta and salad for everyone, and our STL thought ahead and had them deliver about ten minutes before close Thursday night so the flow team had stuff when they arrived at 3:30 am. Course, that meant everyone had to eat cold pasta for the whole day...
They could have ordered twice.
Our store has a schedule every month. They have catered food 1x a week, and 3-4 other days a week they have PB and J, nachos, hot dogs, grilled cheese, burgers, pasta, pizza, veggies and fruit, hot pepper challenge, ice cream sundaes, everything. When they requisition food, it's not expired or QMOS. ETL/STL will literally go to frozen and get 15-20 Digiorno Stuffed Crust pizzas, or 6-7lbs of cold cuts and bread from the deli, or fresh cakes from the bakery.

Catered food = Moe's, Panera, Jimmy Johns, (good) Italian food, pizza, Subway, Boston Market, etc.

They also keep it locked in the ETL office and every 2 hours, they bring more food to the break room so it's not all eaten before the closing or overnight teams get to it.

I love my store for this reason.
They could have ordered twice.
They had deliveries throughout the day, but they would put the new stuff in the fridge and take the last delivery out, so it was always cold.
And only one of our microwaves work, so there was a line at times.
So far all I've heard is nino's italian or Olive Garden and sandwich meat/cheese from the deli. Used to be so much better with the bribe food for BT survey
we don't get anything anymore since our STL said not to put food in the breakroom. I expect there to be a few days of food right before the best team survey like each year though.
Cold pasta? Isn't there a microwave? We have two.
Our store has a schedule every month. They have catered food 1x a week, and 3-4 other days a week they have PB and J, nachos, hot dogs, grilled cheese, burgers, pasta, pizza, veggies and fruit, hot pepper challenge, ice cream sundaes, everything. When they requisition food, it's not expired or QMOS. ETL/STL will literally go to frozen and get 15-20 Digiorno Stuffed Crust pizzas, or 6-7lbs of cold cuts and bread from the deli, or fresh cakes from the bakery.

Catered food = Moe's, Panera, Jimmy Johns, (good) Italian food, pizza, Subway, Boston Market, etc.

They also keep it locked in the ETL office and every 2 hours, they bring more food to the break room so it's not all eaten before the closing or overnight teams get to it.

I love my store for this reason.

Wow, I want to work at your store. We only get PB & J during the Xmas season. Anything else we get is a rarity. One BBQ in the spring and maybe random food once every other month. I'll know it's a holiday, because then there will be food in the breakroom.
Not taking into consideration store volume, don't all stores have comparable discretionary spending budgets for snacks? My store has snacks/ soda at least 2 times a week.
I'm trying to diet and exercise, but my break room gets Archer Farms pastries a few times a week that are about to be QMOS'd. The struggle is real.
They feed us a few times a week. Friday we had nachos, a few days before that was various nuts. They just recently added a Keurig machine in addition to the regular coffee maker.

This week is TM appreciation week and so we had market pantry stuff in the break room.
I used to keep the breakroom full of bread, cheese, butter, and lunchmeat. A new ETL (30+ years with target so obviously they can do no wrong) came in and put a stop to that, whined about it being equal to stealing, even though the only other option is to toss them because the local foodbank doesn't accept the market pantry bread and doesn't have the capacity for refrigerated items.

All of our scores have been red since she arrived, and the break room food is the least of the problems caused by her arrival.
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