Archived Snacks In The Break Room

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overnight team got pizza and soda free again.... it's not fair we do just as much work on daylight and evening give us some food please !!!
I dunno... I think it would really suck having that shift. A 'lil reward seems appropriate to me.
One thing that I like about my store is the TLs take care of us (to a certain extent). We have our FFF event calendar and do something 3-4 times a week, whether it be fruit, lunchmeat, nuts, popcorn, Gatorade, candy bars, chips & salsa, or my favorite... Grilled Cheese Day.

The unfortunate thing is.. The flow team will absolutely destroy everything in the morning during truck days and basically leave behind scraps. Sometimes the TLs will completely forget to refill it so by the time the closers get in, there's nothing up there because Flow team ate it all. Then the closing TL will give us some stuff, but the ladies from Softlines (one in particular) will start shoving everything into bags or their purses, basically leaving behind nothing. It's the thought that counts I guess, and it does boost morale, but it does have its downfalls.
I used to keep the breakroom full of bread, cheese, butter, and lunchmeat. A new ETL (30+ years with target so obviously they can do no wrong) came in and put a stop to that, whined about it being equal to stealing, even though the only other option is to toss them because the local foodbank doesn't accept the market pantry bread and doesn't have the capacity for refrigerated items.

All of our scores have been red since she arrived, and the break room food is the least of the problems caused by her arrival.

Wow, that's absurd. There's nothing wrong with helping the TMs but some just don't wanna do it. It doesn't make any sense to me to be that strict because no one is gonna enjoy working for that person if they don't occasionally help out their TMs. But like you said, she's been there 30+ years so she can do no wrong. Pfffft.
I dunno... I think it would really suck having that shift. A 'lil reward seems appropriate to me.
That is why they get one dollar per hour more than us they get 9.50 per hour plus 1.00 per hour shift diff They should not get free food 4 or 5 days a week unless daylight gets it too.
Piss poor planning to put stuff out where flow can get it first and not have backup so the day team can have some too.

Just going by my store, of course, but yes the flow team does equal a hoard of locusts when it comes to any food put out but in their defense they work a job that burns more calories than most and (my store again) most of them were on thier second or third job so that meant not having to pay for food that day which could actually make a difference in paying a bill.
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Wow, that's absurd. There's nothing wrong with helping the TMs but some just don't wanna do it. It doesn't make any sense to me to be that strict because no one is gonna enjoy working for that person if they don't occasionally help out their TMs. But like you said, she's been there 30+ years so she can do no wrong. Pfffft.

Red scores, no one survives taking a store into the toilet. Vets and hotshots on the way up both will get their asses tossed out the door. I have seen it.. It is just surviving seeing it happen.
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have thanked your HR team for any of the food? Yep its part of their job to help keep the team happy, but they still like to hear an occasional 'thanks'. I know some stores don't keep their break room clean. I also know some stores don't keep the food cold/hot. There are also those stores that don't put fresh food out for the evening teams or enough for all teams. So those of you that do have fresh food or clean break rooms have you ever thanked anyone? Our HRTL insists on all fresh food for the evening teams. She orders extra for the early teams so everyone gets enough. The tables are all wiped clean 2 times a day.Not 1 person wrote her a VIBE card or even said thanks in the last 3 months. I know because she told me when she put in her notice.
Whats funny is we had like a "Healthy eating/Wellness" day, (I think this was store wide?) telling how we should eat better bla bla bla and gave us fruit during our breaks...

A day or two later, they gave us popcorn, pretzels, and soda.
Whats funny is we had like a "Healthy eating/Wellness" day, (I think this was store wide?) telling how we should eat better bla bla bla and gave us fruit during our breaks...

A day or two later, they gave us popcorn, pretzels, and soda.

Popcorn can be healthy! Just cut the butter and salt
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have thanked your HR team for any of the food? Yep its part of their job to help keep the team happy, but they still like to hear an occasional 'thanks'. I know some stores don't keep their break room clean. I also know some stores don't keep the food cold/hot. There are also those stores that don't put fresh food out for the evening teams or enough for all teams. So those of you that do have fresh food or clean break rooms have you ever thanked anyone? Our HRTL insists on all fresh food for the evening teams. She orders extra for the early teams so everyone gets enough. The tables are all wiped clean 2 times a day.Not 1 person wrote her a VIBE card or even said thanks in the last 3 months. I know because she told me when she put in her notice.
All the time. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to get food poisoning at work. After all its what they expect. Me to kiss their feet for throwing food that's sat out for hours out of temp, but "they don't have to do it". Bullshit. Corporate expects them to do it, and if I can't follow food safety like that to serve guests, you shouldn't be able to do it to me.

Four pm is our usual last delivery. Which means four hours at room temp before the last closer gets lunch. Only exception is black Friday weekend where it's buffet style with styrno heaters.
And our hrtm and hretl don't clean the backroom. One flow lady, myself and the pharmacy people do. Hrtm couldn't even be bothered to get dish soap when it ran out, she expected me to do it.

Flow does work hard, but at our store they eat more than their fair share too. If I bake cookies to last all day they will each take a couple, every break they get. Seven dozen was what I needed to get through most of the team for st Patrick's day. There dozen mini pies lasted one of their breaks and a little past. No concept of leave some for others.
I know in my past experience as an overnight backroom team member any time food was provided for the entire store team the overnight team would in fact swarm it like a hoard of locust lol. Part of the reason was that when you work third shift your work/life balance sucks enough as it is so your def gonna go for seconds or even thirds if you wanted to. The other reason was that overnights usually, at least in my experience, gets blamed for anything and everything anyway so might as well eat up
We no longer get peanut butter and jelly because some people were making sandwiches and taking them home. I've seen when people bring in doughnuts or something and the same people who were taking sandwiches home eat one and hide two, it's disrespectful.
On our last STL's final day, she ordered potbellys for everyone. There were so many. One of the cart attendants took armful to his car....😡
We no longer get peanut butter and jelly because some people were making sandwiches and taking them home
If you need to steal PB & J sammiches, you've gotta be pretty hard up. I mean, it's not like they're stealing deli sammichs.
If you need to steal PB & J sammiches, you've gotta be pretty hard up. I mean, it's not like they're stealing deli sammichs.
I think it's more of an entitlement/greed thing rather than "there's no food at home"...but I guess you never know.

It disappoints me when we don't have snacks even though I never eat any of them. What I really would like is if we could get a case or two of water requisitioned once or twice a week. One of the members here has an avatar with a pallet of MP water toppled in a trailer, one time we got a pallet like that. We had a flat of water sitting in the break room for months, being able to go to break and get a bottle or water was great, I hate using the drinking fountains.
One of our cashiers got stopped at the door when she was taking 'extra' pizza slices home.
On the flipside, we sometimes bagged up leftovers for TMs who really DON'T have much at home.
We pretty much know everyone's backstory.
I dunno if the food thing is something corporate pushes, but yesterday they had a whole feast for the entire team just because. For realz. They grilled hamburgers and had condiments and stuff out, and pickles, potato salad, casserole, doughnuts, chips, cupcakes, and mountain dew besides... It felt a little like a party going in for my first 15.
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