Archived Snitch or not Snitch.....

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We had a guy at FA who would take the pizzas 'around the back to qmos & toss' until another TM caught him eating one. He warned him saying "Dude, do you know how many cameras are hidden back HERE?!"
He shrugged it off until AP busted him.
He told them he didn't have anything to eat home but he still got termed.

See, they don't care about whether you have any food to eat at home because they will claim it's poor financing.
I would never ever turn someone over for eating food out of the trash/QMOS bins as long as they aren't intentionally putting it there. I've been in the situation before where I had to subsist off Ramen and the kindness of deli/bakery TLs.
I would just let it go. You're going to see a million crimes and injustices at Target in your time... this is a small one. Don't get yourself in the middle of it. If she doesn't do it often, awesome! We all have issues sometimes. If she does do it often, she's going to get caught by someone else.
if i ate all the qmos i throw out every night I'd weigh like 400 lbs by now.
Boy, sometime i'd like to drink some of that milk that i pour down the drain, we qmos milk 2 or 3 days out, so it's still good to drink.

Just qmos it and put it in the garbage and then take to the compactor, don't even think about it.
And this kids, is why we see so much theft go unnoticed. "Just give them a break". Why risk it if it's against policy? We don't know what's going on outside of work. Tell your ap leader. If it's a big enough offense, then you did your part. If it's that one time, they'll get talked to. Don't let these people cloud your judgment, do what you believe is right. If you worry about having your name thrown in the dirt, don't worry. All conversations are kept private.
It's sad the direction this generation is turning towards. Why do you question the desire to stand up for what is right? If it were a more sinister motive, one would have "snitched" without thinking twice. This feels, in my opinion, as a question of morals. For the sake of good and humanity in this world, stand up for what is right. Currently we are talking about breadsticks. Is this really what you want to fight for? Breadsticks? Is that a serious issue to take control over, devote your time to, and process through the energy it will take from yourself and others to endure?

If one has enough moral consciousness to "snitch" about breadsticks, why cannot we as good moral humans find something much more deeper and important to fight for? I am sure in every single store you people work in, there is much more than "breadsticks" going on. Are you treated well by your superiors that should be holding up the 'integrity' that target claims it abides by? Do those above you, who make so much more than you in a few years that you probably ever will in your entire lifetime, truly meet your expectations as "leaders?" Is it not important to hold those in the superior positions to conduct themselves and fight for what is right with the most honor and integrity that one possibly can? Or should we just idly sit by and do nothing while we only concern ourselves about the "breadstick" problems in the world?

There is so much more important ordeals we must listen to and concern ourselves with other than the "breadsticks" in this society we currently have to suffer in. I'm sure the majority are perfectly content while family is sufficiently financially viable to help you obtain all your hearts content, however; there are those who actually struggle and will inevitably become financially unviable in order to even reach their goals and dreams in this lifetime such as supporting a wife and family of their own. Perhaps, just maybe, there are employees who are struggling with much bigger issues than "breadsticks" in the very store you work in and need someone so desperately to fight for them, motivate them, support them, and have someone to confide in while thinking they feel they are completely alone and utterly lost in this type of system society has designed.

There is much more than "breadsticks" going on in your store. Something so deep, so important, worth fighting for, and it is waiting for you to do something about it. Because if you do not, then who will? If you do not care, who will? If you will not be the change, who will? If you work in a store that is completely upholding honor and integrity on every level, not only do I call you a liar, but someone who is just not willing to fight for what is right which makes you just as much of the problem.

A lot of people throughout ones lifetime will suggest that sacrifice is the key to success and moving forward in this world. If that is true, then there can be no excuses. Not even the excuse of losing your part time job, or successfully full time position by fighting for what is right and what is required to help those who are desperately in need of that help. If you were let go of your position in this corporation, would you seriously become homeless and live on the street without any food without a doubt that you'd starve to death? Is this specific corporation the only thing that helps you stand on your feet as a human being giving you the financial viability, status, and happiness that you truly desire by ignoring the greater good of humanity by sacrificing the well being of this market and those who cannot make a living due to the multi-billion dollar corporations "payroll?" If the corporation collapsed and ceased to exist, would you inevitably as well? I doubt it.

Be the difference. Stand up for what is truly right and good for this world and set the example today. Become the incredible worker you are forcing those above you to notice and start fighting for what you as an individual deserve and those who desperately need.

I do not profit from this change. I do not write these words as someone with a vendetta. Change will never occur if everyone does nothing and accepts the circumstances and situation as 'normal.' This forum has been filled with the important moral obligations that need change.

The greed and evil that's not so cleverly disguised as integrity.

Be the change. You have no idea how it feels to fight for what is good and right while voicing your opinion in every single way you can. It's something bigger than you and what 'good' needs to prosper in this world. When you are the change, you'll know it, and it will feel incredible.
Snitches get stitches.

Don't tell on her.

Lol I was wondering when someone was going to say this!

Haha, I just had to!

However, I really do feel like "telling on her" is really childish and unnecessary. I can understand why this TM believes this is not right (And I don't blame them) but the best plan of action is obvious- talk to the TM and tell her that you saw her and that is against the rules.

Now, the TM in question is aware this is prohibited and that she had been caught. If it continues, bring it to AP.

I don't blame you for feeling upset that a TM is getting away with breaking the rules. At the end of the day though, it's breadsticks. That's it. Tell her and look to see if it continues.
I used to work in food and I know almost everyone took something to eat from time to time. Yes it was wrong and yes everyone has a million reasons of why its ok. Its still wrong but i dont think its anyones business besides the leaders to take care of that issue.
Simple just type up an anonymous note. "To all TMs...Refrain from eating any unpaid food even if it is logged as waste. It's stealing." And attach it to either the communication board or binder.

You are not snitching. But gives everyone a heads up no to do it.

At one time, one of my APs installed a hidden camera to investigate a FATL that was stealing food.
I've seen more than one FA TM get termed for stealing popcorn. And no, it doesn't need to be a pattern of activity. One popcorn, one pizza, one breadstick. That's stealing from the company and AP will handle it. Odds are they've already seen it and are in the process of moving forward. The sketchy issue here is if they know you've seen it and didn't report it... I'd look at it this way, if you wouldn't do what said tm did because you know it was wrong, would you want to be in the same bucket? The answer is more than likely no. I'd discretely let AP know what you saw. They'll watch and if it doesn't happen again? Great, no harm. But if it does, good on you for letting them know.
"To all TMs...Refrain from eating any unpaid food even if it is logged as waste. It's stealing."

The only reason they call eating waste food "stealing" is because they don't want to risk the possibility of someone getting sick off of it and being held liable and they think it would encourage people to intentionally damage food. If someone does damage food to or intentionally allows it to expire to get a free meal, yes that is stealing because they are deliberately preventing the sale of that merchandise.

If someone is rooting through a trash bin looking for something to eat, there's a 99% chance that he's in a very dire financial situation and firing him over it is just going to make it worse. I'll make it clear that it better stay limited to stuff that's already logged and if I catch him adding to it, I'll report it.
There is nothing wrong with reporting another team member as long as you keep a general ear to the atmosphere of the team and how they feel about management. Telling on a team member in an environment where people don't like management too much means that you are now working for them. This in fact means that they cannot trust you with anything private. This seems silly because private matters shouldn't be made public in the first place, especially not at my store. People do it anyhow and management seems to use these types of people to gain inside info on their crew.

So, while it may make sense to tell on a TM, understand that you have to have a team that actually likes their management and won't turn on you in the process.
Wow. Yeah, its just bread sticks. But it starts with bread sticks. We had a kid today leave in cuffs for stealing money. You know how it started? He stole pizza's because he was hungry. If he was coached for that, then he might still have his job. Its just each time, he thought he could get away with a little bit more. Let AP know. If you have a good team, they'll remain discrete. If you are not sure, leave a note. Guarantee they'll look into it. Let them be the judge of how serious the infraction is. If you feel like she is hungry, ask if you can take her out to eat.
You guys should see our freezers. Half eaten apple, string cheese wrappers, and I even found spoiled cheese in a freezer suit. It was all warm and icky...
Let AP know, then its off your shoulders and not your problem any more. we don't say names, and if that's all it is and it was a one time thing, then it won't go anywhere. Who knows maybe they are watching them for stealing money out of the drawer too or sticking whole chickens down their pants and walking out the door. The more information AP or HR knows the more informed decisions they can make.

But hey you can be quiet too because while yes those bread sticks were going to be thrown out and really doesn't affect "business" directly. The longer they take money out of the drawer or otherwise directly steal from the company is just taking money out of your pocket on the next raise or hours off your next schedule.
The real reason is profit, people! Why let a food ave person eat food that's about to expire? Because if it wasn't, they would've paid for it. It's sort of in the same mold as keeping products on the floor for fifteen minutes
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