Archived So, new thing at my store...

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I work at an incredibly high volume store, the daily goal is about 45, team members that work in any area equipped with a cash register are REQUIRED to ask guests about red cards. It's madness.

Madness? This. Is. Target.

Sorry. Kind of felt the "300" moment there. Yeah, my store pushes for 22 every day, and potentially more on weekends. I hear more and more talk about REDcards and what not, but I hear nothing being said about Service and Replacement Plans at my store. It's ridiculous to me because I see both REDcards and S/RPs being equal to each other, whether Target wants to or not (or my LODs), in terms of importance, especially since stores are scored in that area as well.

But we just have to accept it, I guess.
At my store, where our daily goal for all TMs on registers is 10. Well, we've been a bit low on our conversion rates and now they are telling everyone that we are "expected" to get one RedCard per shift.

Makes sense, but when I have 3 or 4 guests standing in line and we've got all our back-up people from the sales floor, how am I supposed to tell EACH guest about our RedCards and expect to get a "yes, I'd love to get a RedCard!"

We do have one LOD who gets RedCards like there is no tomorrow......he makes all of us look like we're not doing a thing! At least he's a nice guy and realizes that we all can't match his RedCard prowess!
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