Archived So who is in charge of the backroom? Flow TL or BR/Instock TL?

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Jan 26, 2013
I usually have both of them give me conflicting orders. I'm technically a Flow TM but I've been filling BR day shifts for a while. I'm not sure who I should listen to first
If a TL gives you a task and then another TL comes along and gives you conflicting direction they probably don't know that their directions are causing conflict. You need to let them know what else you have going on right away so they can partner with the other TL and reassess the situation.
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If you are scheduled as BR, then you fall under the BRTL. If the flow TL pulls you away, I would call the BRTL on the walkie and just let him know what the other TL wants you to be working on. If there is any conflict, this will put it between the TLs and leave you out of it.
You also need to say "hey I am not flow today I am backroom, if BRTL says yes I will be happy to help you, and get him/her on the radio." A lot of times they just forget. If TL isn't there offer to help for a bit but remind him that your BR stuff is priority and you will break off in a bit and go back to it.

And if it is a big issue make sure you change your work center on the time clock. We had an ETL who did this with us for a while, when we started changing work center so hours came out of her budget that shit stopped real quick. She would steal one or two of us for soft lines reshop and keep us there all morning so our In Stock list wouldn't get done.
I will give instructions to the backroom team if they come in at 4am and partner with my peer when they come in
If you're in a specific work center and that work center TL gave you some tasks to complete and another TL from a different workcenter gives you different tasks, you're supposed to always adhere to your workcenter TL, same for the ETL, if they override the TL's orders, you need to go to your work center specific ETL because they are the ones that have their work center's best interest in mind(ideally). The TL and ETL have to defend their TMs so they can get their tasks completed.
In my store, BR and Instocks is ran by one TL with partnership from the other TLs and ETLs.

Chain of command. Do what the work center TL or ETL that you're designated to, asks.

If someone other then your TL asked you do something, let your TL know.

The BR TL I work with hates it when he's out of the communication process.

Cover your a$$.
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