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- Aug 27, 2017
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I'm a sofltlines TM.
I looked in my target hand book about what to do and it said to contact HR as soon as possible to add the not clocked in time that was worked.
It was 9:36 pm to 10:10pm on 9/17.
There were a chain of events that took place tonight when this happened. Long story short, my car was blocked in by carts (I have the picture to prove it) so I was upset and pushed a row of carts up to the store front, and went in and asked for the cart attendant over the walkie, I said "my car was blocked in by carts, so I pushed a row up to the doors" and he said okay thank you. Then someone asked over the walkie who said that and someone else responded and said it was me. (I was about to respond, they beat me to it) and then as I was walking out of the store, the cart attendant looked over whelmed and flustered as he said "I don't know how they expect me to get this done, I asked for help and no one would help me". It was right then that I remembered earlier in the night (maybe 7-8pm?) he asked over the walkie for assistance with the carts. Someone responded over the walking saying he would be fine for the night.
So I apologized to him and I instantly regreted being upset about my car being blocked in because he clearly asked for help, someone should have helped him. Every cart corral has carts in them, most of them full of carts. (It's a super target)
I felt so bad. I was tired and exhausted from working 7.5 hours and wanted to go home, i didn't even think about the fact that I wasn't clocked in, I just knew he needed help.
Morally, It was the right thing to do.
I would have hated my self, and gone against everything that I stand for if I would have just left without helping.
I just started pushing rows of carts up to the store and tried to be helpful. I know how hard it is to ask for help, it just broke my heart that he asked for it, and yet he wasn't helped. I shouldn't have stayed in channel 1 on the walkie and stated that my car was blocked in. But even after that no one assisted him. I didn't know the entire story when I was on the walkie. I feel so terrible. Especially after I got home and told my significant other about it and he mentioned that I could be Fired for working off the clock. So that's when I went to the hand book looking for what to do. I just wanted to do the right thing. now I'm home and worried trying to find an email for HR, balling my eyes out, and just feel like they're going to fire me tomorrow. I barely made it past my 60 days.
What do I say to HR tomorrow?
Can this be fixed?
Did I do the wrong thing? 🙁
Ugh any advice and words of wisdom is appreciated