Specialty Sales

If you're the overnight ETL, and are given the resources for it, then I get it. That still seems like a big amount of work though.
Trust me it’s a lot even when you have resources. There’s always call outs and we get 5 doubles a week and singles on the weekends for now .
The reason I own the returns and zone is because we are overnight . That’s why I didn’t fight it when I was told to own it , besides I was allowed to get overnight zoners which are not part of unload or push.
Oh ok that makes sense. If you get the people for it it is definitely better. My problem is we always have to pick and choose what gets done.
When you say "beauty" are you referring to Cosmetics or all inclusive HBA? Most stores I frequent have HBA separate from cosmetics. Cosmetics being the shorter shifts.
My ETL usually has her push hba, but we don’t technically own it.
I got some shocking news today, shocking to me, Denizen brand is going bye bye. My vm shared that probably will be salvage in March. I freaking love those jeans and will be stocking up when they go clearance. She did not give a reason or wasn’t told idk. I talked about it to the dbo in men’s and she said Denizen sells way better than Goodfellow. I don’t get it. Corporate obviously thinks it’s a great idea. We shall see. I’m glad I don’t work ready wear because I think guests will be pissed.
I got some shocking news today, shocking to me, Denizen brand is going bye bye. My vm shared that probably will be salvage in March. I freaking love those jeans and will be stocking up when they go clearance. She did not give a reason or wasn’t told idk. I talked about it to the dbo in men’s and she said Denizen sells way better than Goodfellow. I don’t get it. Corporate obviously thinks it’s a great idea. We shall see. I’m glad I don’t work ready wear because I think guests will be pissed.
I read somewhere that Knox Rose is going away too. That sucks as well. I only wear the Denizen jeans. UT don't fit me. Walmart sells Signature by Levis which are a little cheaper in price and fit a little bigger for the same size 8, btw.
I got some shocking news today, shocking to me, Denizen brand is going bye bye. My vm shared that probably will be salvage in March. I freaking love those jeans and will be stocking up when they go clearance. She did not give a reason or wasn’t told idk. I talked about it to the dbo in men’s and she said Denizen sells way better than Goodfellow. I don’t get it. Corporate obviously thinks it’s a great idea. We shall see. I’m glad I don’t work ready wear because I think guests will be pissed.

I'm pretty sure the communication was for Women's Denizen only.....for now. I don't recall seeing it list Mens as well. At least not yet. We already exited Boys Denizen last Fall so it wouldn't surprise me if Mens was next.
I got some shocking news today, shocking to me, Denizen brand is going bye bye. My vm shared that probably will be salvage in March. I freaking love those jeans and will be stocking up when they go clearance. She did not give a reason or wasn’t told idk. I talked about it to the dbo in men’s and she said Denizen sells way better than Goodfellow. I don’t get it. Corporate obviously thinks it’s a great idea. We shall see. I’m glad I don’t work ready wear because I think guests will be pissed.
Damn. I will be stocking up as well!
I read somewhere that Knox Rose is going away too. That sucks as well. I only wear the Denizen jeans. UT don't fit me. Walmart sells Signature by Levis which are a little cheaper in price and fit a little bigger for the same size 8, btw.
Not surprised about Knox Rose, our selection has dwindled.
I'm pretty sure the communication was for Women's Denizen only.....for now. I don't recall seeing it list Mens as well. At least not yet. We already exited Boys Denizen last Fall so it wouldn't surprise me if Mens was next.
Some stores exited Men’s Denizen last year and more are expected to do so this year as apart of the 2/18 Men’s update. I think in the long run Target will exit the majority of national brands in favor of their owned brand assortment.
Some stores exited Men’s Denizen last year and more are expected to do so this year as apart of the 2/18 Men’s update. I think in the long run Target will exit the majority of national brands in favor of their owned brand assortment.

We reduced how much Denizen we had in Mens last year; I was not aware some stores exited it entirely though. We have a pretty small assortment so it won't surprise me if we do finally exit it completely.
I read somewhere that Knox Rose is going away too. That sucks as well. I only wear the Denizen jeans. UT don't fit me. Walmart sells Signature by Levis which are a little cheaper in price and fit a little bigger for the same size 8, btw.
All of our Knox Rose has gone clearance to make room for the dress shop. I believe the salvage date is the first week of Feb.
We don’t carry women’s denizen at our store anymore, but I know we’ve had guests frustrated with the lack of UT denim selection lately as everything has sold down leading up to the traditional pogs.

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